  • 學位論文


The Adaptation Process of High Risk Family - An Application of the Strengths Perspective

指導教授 : 宋麗玉


本研究乃是以優勢觀點的視角,去瞭解高風險家庭因應壓力之適應歷程。(一)瞭解高風險家庭面臨之內涵;(二)探討高風險家庭如何看待壓力?政府及有關單位介入前、後階段,高風險家庭對壓力認知之改變情形?(三)從家庭的觀點探究高風險家庭所擁有的家庭資源內涵。並進一步瞭解來自正式支持系統之資源,對其有何助益?(四)探究高風險家庭面臨壓力情境,採取何種因應行動?其因應結果為何?又能否促進其適應?(五)嘗試建構高風險家庭因應壓力之適應類型,提供相關工作人員於協助高風險家庭之參酌。因此,係採現象學研究派典之質性研究方法,透過半結構式深入訪談,瞭解其因應壓力之適應過程。經服務機構工作人員介紹,最後有十位已積極結案或將結案的高風險家庭家長、主要照顧者參與本研究。本研究歸納出以下重點: 一、高風險家庭面臨的壓力內涵:壓力內涵包括:來自於子女本身,如發展遲緩卅身心障礙、行為問題;照顧者本身壓力負荷、失業或工作不穩定情形;其他家庭成員有健康狀況不佳、無心工作、物質濫用、犯罪入獄、親職功能不彰等情形;家庭整體層面,以經濟需求為最主要,居住環境不佳亦可能帶來壓力。 二、高風險家庭對壓力認知之內涵與改變:其認知內涵,可分為「消極否定」與「積極面對」認知兩方面。並且,隨著時間之轉變,其壓力認知的改變有兩特徵,(一)是負面情緒減少;(二)是「消極否定」認知減少,「積極面對」認知增加。 三、高風險家庭適應資源之內涵與改變:高風險家庭是潛藏著各種豐富資源,來自家庭成員、家庭內部系統、家庭外部系統。家庭成員本身的資源、家庭支持、對子女的關愛與重視,均不容忽視。如優勢觀點強調「社區是資源綠洲」,來自非正式支持系統資源內涵是相當豐厚,尤以政府及有關單位介入前為重要支持。正式支持系統資源浥注後,提供關愛;告知補助、邀請活動參與、親職教育提醒等訊息;財物較少直接提供;協助申辦補助、案主行為改變與連結資源等服務居多。 四、高風險家庭因應過程與結果之內涵與改變:因應過程內涵有行為逃避、認知逃避、認知面對、行為面對四類型。因應過結果則區分為負向結果與正向結果。整體而言,因應過程改變:(一)採逃避因應方法減少;(二)採取面對因應方法增加,尤以行為面對。因應結果方面,負向結果減少,正向結果在內涵與程度上明顯增加。 五、高風險家庭適應狀況之內涵:照顧者及家人的努力、來自非正式、正式支持系統資源適時注入,豐富家庭資源,激發其因應壓力的能量。適應後家庭狀況:(一)孩子發展、行為上進步;(二)照顧者壓力減緩、自我價值提升、穩定工作、精神穩定、照顧意願提升;(三)其他家庭成員病情穩定、提升自我照顧功能;(四)經濟負擔減輕、增進親子關係、維繫家人關係、提升親職功能、發揮家庭支持功能。 六、高風險家庭適應的重要因素之內涵:(一)照顧者本身:願意面對生命中的挑戰、對孩子有照顧意願、正向看待孩子、提升自己的知識技能;(二)家庭內部系統中,親密伴侶的支持、視孩子是甜蜜的負荷;(三)正式支持系統:提供補助、告知家庭優勢、工作機會的訊息、親職教育的協助;(四)非正式支持系統中多元的支持。 七、高風險家庭因應壓力之信念分享:包括(一)勇於面對與改變;(二)做人要善盡本份;(三)心存善念;(四)主動尋求資源;(五)正向思考;(六)別忽略了孩子。 八、高風險家庭因應壓力之適應類型:考量這些家庭在適應歷程中所擁有的適應資源豐富程度、適應要素內涵,以及影響其適應的關鍵事件,做為歸納適應類型之焦點,歸納出四種類型──自立自強型、同甘共苦型、非正式支持型、正式支持型。 本研究根據以上發現,於文末提出討論與建議,提供未來相關研究與實務之參考。


Through the lens of the Strength Perspective, the study aims at understanding the process of coping with pressure among high risk families. The study attempts j to unmask what risk context among the families studied; k to explore how high risk families deal with pressures, and what changes the families may have in the perception of stress before and after the intervention of the government; l to examine what resources the families have, and what strengths the families may obtain from the governmental support system; m to uncover what coping strategies have been used, and whether or not the strategies take effect; n to construct a prototype about how high risk families cope with pressures for those who endeavour to assist the families . By using semi-structured interviews, the study adopted the phenomenology approach from the qualitative paradigm to obtain the require data. The study included ten participants who were either the parents or the primary care givers in high risk families. The study draws eight conclusions: First, the stress context of high risk families: the sources of the stress faced by the families come from children who are developmentally and/or physically challenged and/or encounter behavioural problems, care givers who are unemployed or in an unstable working conditions, other family members who confront the challenge of poor health, dereliction, material abuse, penetration, ineffective parenting, and the family who encounters financial difficulties as well as poor living environment. Second, the perception of the stress and the changes in dealing with pressures among the families: The perception can be distinguished as “negative denial” and “positive confrontation.” Besides, as time passes, two phenomenon occur in the changes of the perception of pressures: negative emotion decreases, and while the “negative denial” reduces, “positive confrontation.”increases. Third, the context of and the changes of the resources for high risk families: The resources embedded in high risk families are diverse and abundant, including those from family members as well as the interior and exterior systems of the family. The resources from family members, family support and the solicitude for children should be recognized. The finding is consistent with one of priciples in the Strength Perspective, i.e. “communities are the oases of resources.” The resources from the informal system are affluent and act as an important pillar before the intervention of the government and related institutions takes place. Fourth, the context and changes of the coping process and the result: There are four types of handling pressures including behavioral avoidance, cognitive avoidance, cognitive confrontation, and behavioral confrontation. The results of the coping process can be categorized into negative and positive consequences. In general, the decrease of avoidance happens first following with the increase of confrontation, particularly the increase of behavioral confrontation. In terms of the results, negative consequences are decreasing while positive consequences are apparently increasing in both their context and degree. Fifth, the context of the adaptation in high risk families: The efforts of the care givers and family members and the prompt resources from the formal support system not only enrich the resources of the family but also inspire the energy of the family to deal with pressures. After adjustment, the family condition improves. First, children make progresses in development and behavior. Second, the pressures of the care givers are reduced along with higher self-value, more stable employment and emotion, as well as the willingness to look after children. Third, the health conditions of other family members are stabilized, and abilities of self-care is boosted. Fourth, the economic burden is reduced, the relationship among family members is ameliorated, parental abilities are enhanced, and the family supporting role is activated. Sixth, the important adaptation factors in high risk families: First, care givers are willing to face the challenge of life, to take care of children, to treat the children in a positive way, and to promote their own knowledge as well as abilities. Secondly, the partners in the interior system of the family support each other, and regard children as sweet burdens. Third, the formal supporting system not only provide subsidy and parental education but also notify the family of its strengths and employment opportunities. And the last is the diversified supports from the informal supporting system. Seventh, the share of beliefs in dealing with pressures: The beliefs include the courage to confront challenge and make changes, taking responsibilities, holding good will, seeking resources actively, thinking positively, and never ignoring children. Last, the adaptation types of high risk families: After the richness of the resources that these families have, the context of the adaptive factors, and the critical events influencing the adaptation are taken into consideration, we can summarize four types of adaptation: independency, sharing, informal support, and formal support. Based on the findings, the study generates discussions and draws suggestions for social work practice and future research.


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