  • 學位論文


The Public Institution for the Disability of Careworker Retention-The Case of Taipei Manicipal Yang Ming Home for the Disabled

指導教授 : 宋麗玉


論文摘要 本研究主要探討公立教養機構教保員留任因素,並以臺北市立陽明教養院留任保育員為訪談對象,共計訪談六位受訪者,主要採質性研究法,除文獻探討外,主要係採個別深度訪談並輔以平日之觀察,藉此探討其留任因素,期對現行保育人力規劃提出建議,以供機構人力政策參考。 本研究發現:願意繼續留任因素為對環境的適應與習慣,喜歡人,工作具有挑戰性,喜歡大自然的環境,與院生建立關係與感情,排班制度可配合需要工作愉快,家人支持,與同儕相處融洽,對相關福利滿意及調動未成功等因素。 依據保育員留任因素分析,保育員留任型態可分為:成就取向型、情感投入型、人際取向型、順其自然型、福利取向型;成就取向行認為被院生認同與接受及被家長肯定是成就感來源,這些成就感促使受訪者持續留任;情感投入型認為工作成就感來自於院生,而產生挫折甚至有離職意念也是因為院生因素;人際取向型選擇繼續留任,有很大一部份原因是因在教養院內人際相處融洽,同時受訪者的挫折感來源是因為人際問題,讓他們產生離職意念是因為人際關係,或不被上司所肯定;順其自然型為現在過的好就好,會有離職意念是因為看到其他同事紛紛調職,而不是因為本身遭遇很大的挫折或困難沒有被解決,因為求職過程不順,留下來也沒什麼不好,所以選擇繼續留任;福利取向型選擇留任是一方面對環境的適與習慣,同時教養院的相關福利措施如住宿問題、加班費問題可以吸引受訪者繼續留任。 對現行保育人力之留任,機構可朝加強倫理教育、採行專業團隊合作模式、決策公開透明化、廣納建言、加強在職訓練、提供抒壓管道等方面進行;對未來之人力規劃建議為:增加編制員額、以考試進用人力。


教養機構 教保員 留任


Abstract This study primarily explores the reasons for careworkers to remain in their positions at public institutions, and uses six incumbent careworkers at the Taipei Municipal Yang Ming Home for the Disabled as interview subjects. This study primarily uses qualitative research methods; other than literature review, there are also individual in-depth interviews as well as ordinary observations in order to find the reasons for retaining original positions. It is hoped that suggestions can be provided for the current planning of careworker human resources, as a reference for institutional human resource policies. This study finds that, the reasons for willingness to retain original position are: familiarity with environment, likes the people, work is challenging, enjoys the natural environment, relationships and attachment to the students, the shift arrangements fit one’s needs, pleasing work, family support, harmony with colleagues, satisfied with related benefits, and unsuccessful moves. According to the analysis of the reasons for careworker who retain their positions, the forms for retention can be divided into: achievement-oriented, emotional devotion, interpersonal relationship-oriented, go-with-the-flow, and welfare-oriented. Those who are achievement-oriented believe that being related to and accepted by students and being affirmed by parents is a source of achievement, which prompts them to remain in their positions. Those who are emotionally devoted believe that job satisfaction comes from the students, and a sense of defeat or even desire to leave work also comes from the students. Those who are interpersonal relationship-oriented choose to remain in their jobs largely because they have harmonious relationships in the institution, and at the same time their sense of defeat or desire to leave work comes from interpersonal problems or not being affirmed by their superiors. Those who go-with-the-flow feel that it is fine if they are currently doing well; they would want to leave if they see that others are leaving, and not because of their own unresolved difficulties; since it was difficult to find a job, there is nothing wrong with staying, so they choose to continue their work. Those who are welfare-oriented are used to their environments, and at the same time the benefits provided by the institution, such as living arrangements, over-time pay, can attract the interview subject to keep the same position. For retention of existing care-working personnel, the institution can strengthen ethical education, use the cooperative model of professional teams, make their decision-making public and transparent, accept comments, enhance on-the-job training, and provide stress-relief channels. The suggestions for future human resource planning are: increase the number of workers, and use examinations to make new hires.




