  • 學位論文


Instructional Leadership Behaviors of Elementary School Principals in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

指導教授 : 楊振昇


本研究的主要目的是探討越南胡志明市國民小學校長教學領導之行為。除了探 討校長與教師之間對校長教學領導認知的差異外,並檢視學校規模、座落地點、校長 基本的人口統計變項對校長自我認知其教學領導的影響;同時,也檢視教師基本的人 口統計變項對教師認知之校長教學領導行為的影響;最後,也分析校長與教師對於增 進校長教學領導的建議。 本研究使用量化與質化方法以回答七個研究問題。本研究從120 個小學進行抽 取樣本:校長樣本以分層抽樣方法、教師樣本以系統抽樣方法選取。研究工具為 Hallinger 發展的「校長教學管理評定量表」,此外,並另附上一開放性問題,以調查 校長與教師對增進校長教學領導之意見。 本研究的發現如下: (a)在越南胡志明市的小學校長們,是管理導向而不是教學導向。他們積極行使 工作職能於制定學校目標,然而對於學生進步的監督、維護教學的時間、與維持高的 能見度上 ,則較少顧及。 (b)學校較為小型的校長,在提供教師與學習誘因方面較為積極;此外,比起座 落於鄉村的學校校長,都市的學校校長在教學領導上較為積極。 vi (c)校長年資與教學經驗較淺的小學校長,對於課程的統籌與教學時間的維護方 面之領導,則顯示較不積極。


The purpose of this study is to explore instructional leadership behaviors of elementary school principals in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam as perceived by both elementary school principals and the teachers they direct. It examines the differences between teachers and principals’ perceptions of the principals’ instructional leadership behaviors. In addition, it examines the effects of variables including school size, location, and principal demographics on principal self-perceptions. Moreover, it examines the effects of teacher demographics on teacher perceptions of their principal instructional leadership behaviors. Finally, it analyzes principal and teacher suggestions to improve instructional leadership behaviors. The study proposes seven major research questions. Stratified sampling was used to select principals for the principals and system for the survey from 117 elementary schools in Ho Chi Minh City. Systematic sampling was used to select teachers from the same schools. The survey instrument used in this study was adapted from the Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale (Hallinger, 1983). An open-ended question was added to each survey to elicit principal and teacher recommendations to improve instructional leadership behaviors. Major conclusions of the study are: viii (a) Principals gave high scores in job functions framing the school goals; providing incentives for teachers; coordinating the curriculum; providing incentives for learning; communicating the school goals; and supervising and evaluating instruction. Teachers gave high scores in job functions framing the school goals; coordinating the curriculum; communicating the school goals; providing incentives for teachers; promoting professional development; and providing incentives for learning. (b) The principals in smaller schools were more active in providing incentives for teachers and providing incentives for learning. In addition, urban school principals were more active instructional leaders than rural school principals were. (c) The fewer years of experience as principals and teachers that principals had, the less active they were in coordinating the curriculum and protecting instructional time.


Educational Leadership, 44(6), 9?1.
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