  • 學位論文


An Intergenerational Learning Program Developed by the Learning Community at the Elemantary School–An Action Research

指導教授 : 吳明烈


因應教育部所推動的12年國教新課程綱中,新增了校訂之校本特色課程,另教育部所推動的樂齡學習中心,其宗旨亦有促進樂齡者的代間貢獻服務,因此,由一群國小教師自發性組成教師學習社群,想結合社區樂齡學中心之人力資源,力邀班級導師,共同推動一系列代間學習課程,作為校本特色課程之前導試驗,及進行相關課程知識分享與推廣。 本研究是以行動研究法 (Action Research) 探討國小教師學習社群推動代間學習課程的行動歷程,其中課程的設計與教學的規劃,為了求得執行上能順暢可循,採行五個階段的規劃循環流程。並在實際執行之後,經過課程回饋與檢視、專家學者好評與建議,前後實施共有兩次規劃循環流程,第一次(課程A),包含5個主題之多元代間學習課程,是讓學生與高齡者共同參與、互相學習、相互共樂共融;第二次(課程B),為專題製作課程,是轉由學生以主動方式,用自己的角度去幫高齡者敘寫其生命故事,進而更深刻的瞭解與探究高齡者的生命歷程。 本課程設計是因應學生、高齡者、教師學習社群成員、班級導師等的需求,共同推動一系列代間學習課程,讓參與者彼此互動、合作學習、成長與省思,期能提供代間學習課程實施之參考方案模式,其結論如下: 一、本國小教師學習社群推動代間學習課程設計之規劃模式是凝聚共識、需求確認、課程設計、教學實施、回饋檢視等五個階段的規劃循環流程。 二、國小教師學習社群所推動代間學習課程,是一系列的多元代間學習課程和專題製作代間學習課程實施的歷程,發現學生與高齡者互動,激勵了活絡熱情及翻轉對彼此的看法。 三、國小教師參與共同推動代間學習課程後,於專業上多有所學習與成長。 四、本教師學習社群採組織學習、熱情邀約,共同對話激盪及團隊合作的力量,來因應遭遇困境及解決問題。 五、從研究者在帶領教師學習社群運作,需要終身學習及不斷增能,經常的反思與期許,激勵夥伴成長。 最後,提出對地方主管機關、學校教師社群及推動代間學習課程等單位及人員的各項建議,以供後續有興趣之人員的參考。


This is an action research about the study how the intergenerational learning programs, including the 5 various courses with multiple leraning and then the life specialized topic project with extension of the previous courses, developed by the learning community of the teachers at the elementary school. The research was done at school where the researcher serving. It was found that the intergenerational learning programs with a series of courses, which are much complicated may possibly planned and carried out by team formed and connected by the learning community at school. The cooperative partners, including class teacher and the elders which are the community resources, must be previously prepared for the implement of the intergenerational learning programs. It’s amazing and marvelous that it happened as the intergenerational learning courses are on going in the class, the students and the elders are able to learn happily together with motivation. Since the dilemma of the implement of the intergenerational learning programs, the researcher as a promoter, namely the community coordinator of the learning community of the teachers, interconnects, communicates and cooperates with the related participants for these programs. Furthermore, the researcher may be the main teacher in the intergenerational learning courses in the class, if there is no volunteer of the learning community for teaching. It seems that the effects from the intergenerational learning programs are correspondent with the new Directions Governing for the 12-Year Basic Education Curricula by cross multi-learning domains. It’s happened how marvelous the intergeneration learning has been going in the class. It’s a beautiful scenery of learning and teaching. This is a kind of community learning or community teaching. The 5 findings of the data analysis for the study are as follows: 1. There are the planning mode with five steps, which are (1)reaching a consensus, (2) demand confirming, (3) course planning (4) teaching implementing (5)feedback viewing for the “the Marvelous Life” learning community to plan, process and access the intergenerational learning programs at an elementary school. 2. Through the process of implementing the intergenerational learning programs, it was found that the students can get along with the elder quite well by knowing each other gradually . Nevertheless, the flipped viewpoints of the students and those of the elders for each other are occurring. All their bias are improved. 3. In the teacher’s learning community, the teachers learn and improve their profession and their knowledge a lot, by participating, implementing and promoting the intergenerational learning programs. 4. In the processing for the intergenerational learning programs, the predicaments were dealt with by these strategies, which are provided by the cooperative members of the teacher’s learning community. 5. From the view of the researcher, it’s important for the participants to do the lifelong learning and to attend the conference for improving the knowledge about intergeneration learning, and even do self-reflection continuously. It’s worth doing the study about the implementing the intergenerational learning programs and improving teaching profession about course planning, teaching, observing, dialogue, and cooperative learning, through the action research in the learning community at school.


丁一顧 (2014)。教師專業學習社群之調查研究:「關注學生學習成效」為焦點,課程與教學,17(1),209-232.。
