  • 學位論文


Study on the Vulnerability Classification of the Autonomous Debris Disaster Prevention Community in Nantou County

指導教授 : 劉家男
共同指導教授 : 陳皆儒(Jie-Ru Chen)


近年極端氣候異常,導致各地災害規模、頻率急遽攀升,為了協助地方災害整備與應變及強化地方社區的防災力量,水土保持局自民國93年開始推動自主防災社區,至今南投縣共成立73個社區,並利用防災宣導、演練講習、兵棋推演等方式,教導民眾正確且實務的土石流防災知識與技能,並認識學習判斷出環境中潛在的脆弱度因子,有效提升民眾避災、離災之觀念,成為有效提升基層防救災能量的關鍵工作。 而因各村里的先天影響的環境條件因素不同,故找出最合適於村里的自主防災社區之模式,才能夠使的自主防災社區組織長久的發展、延續、運作;為了使政府資源進行有效的利用,清查轄內土石流災害潛勢村里之現況、盤點現有的相關資料,進而對土石流潛勢溪流之村里進行災害脆弱度評估,建立土石流自主防災社區分級輔導機制有其必要性。本研究利用層級分析法(AHP)進行災害脆弱度因子影響程度評估,對其影響程度給予脆弱度分級管理的建議。


In recent years, extreme weather anomalies have led to a rapid increase in the scale and frequency of disasters in various places. In order to assist local disaster preparedness and response and strengthen the local community's disaster prevention force, the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau has promoted autonomous disaster prevention communities since the Republic of China in 1993. Up to now, 73 communities have been established in Nantou County. And use disaster prevention information, drills, war games, and other methods to teach people the correct and practical knowledge of earth and rock disaster prevention and skills, and to learn to determine the potential risk factors in the environment. This can not only effectively enhance the people's concept of disaster avoidance and disaster relief, but also become a key task to effectively improve the energy of grassroots disaster prevention and relief. Because the innate environmental conditions in each village are different, find out the most suitable model for villagers' autonomous disaster prevention communities, which will enable the autonomous disaster prevention community organizations to develop, sustain and operate in the long term. In order to make effective use of government resources, it is necessary to check the current situation of the earth-rock-flow disaster potential villages within the jurisdiction, take stock of the existing relevant data, evaluate the hazards of the soil-rock-flow potential villages, and establish an autonomous earth-rock-flow disaster prevention community hierarchical counseling mechanism. This study uses the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to assess the impact of disaster vulnerability factors and gives recommendations for the management of vulnerability levels.


Disaster Resistant Community AHP


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