  • 學位論文


Networked individualism in the virtual community - Take Chinese Wikipedia community for example

指導教授 : 曾淑芬


過去人們歸屬於一些具有邊界、權力位階的群體中,譬如家庭、工廠或是人民團體,而在網路世界中也是以新聞群組、BBS、 IRC、討論區等網路社群的型態來進行互動,人與人的互動是以團體為基礎。隨著ICTs的發展,Wellman(2002)認為以團體為互動的單位的時代已經過去了,取而代之的是個人化的網絡社會(personalized social networks)。人與人之間透過社會性軟體(social software)、即時通訊軟體(IMs)等工具進行互動,建立自己的個人化網絡(personal network),將不同的需求分散於不同的網絡當中,Wellman把這種新的互動型態稱為網絡個人主義(networked individualism),它可以協助人們獲得更多社會資源。但Ahlbrandt and Cunningham (1979)的研究中指出,社會資源取得的關鍵因素在於社群意識(sense of community),透過社群意識的凝聚,組織關係(social fabric)越穩固,成員能夠得到的關係資源也就越多。 會有這種不同論述的產生,是由於現今的虛擬社群中,網絡個人主義影響社群意識的展現,造成現今的社群意識與過去已經不同了,亦或現今虛擬社群的組成與過去有所差異?而社群意識與網絡個人主義何者對於社會資源的獲得較為重要?而社會資源是否會造成網絡效應,對個人績效產生影響? 根據這些研究問題,我們對中文維基百科社群成員進行網路調查,共回收381份問卷。結果發現,在中文維基百科社群中,社群意識與過去的有所差異,同時網絡個人主義對於社會資源獲取的重要性高於社群意識。網絡個人主義這種互動以及管理關係的方式,是未來在討論虛擬社群的人際互動時,必須要被考量在內的重要因素。


Development of Internet has great impacts on social interaction. In the past, people are belonging to some groups; home, company, or in voluntary organizations. These groups had boundaries and hierarchical positions. In such a society, each interaction is in its place: one group at a time. As time goes by, stable hierarchical positions no longer exist. By using ICTs, social organization has moved from bounded groups to network organizing. Wellman (1997) called this situation ‘Glocalization’. Nowadays, from the rise of network society, people developed personal network. Instead of belong to groups, people develop and manage their own network in order to get more resources. Wellman (1997) called this new type of communication ‘networked individualism’, and it will bring down the sense of community. However, in the virtual community research, Ahlbrandt & Cunningham (1979) indicated that sense of community is the key factor of getting social resources. So in a virtual community, whether networked individualism or sense of community is the key factor for getting social resources? Does networked individualism form another type of virtual community, or nowadays sense of community is difference from before? We took Chinese Wikipedia community for example, and figured out how networked individualism presents in the virtual community. With 381 retrieved questionnaires, we found in the Chinese Wikipedia community, sense of community is different from before. For getting social resource, networked individualism is the key factor. We can see that these days networked individualism but not sense of community will be more and more important in virtual community.


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吳文經(2008)。品牌社群參與行為之研究 - 以臺灣自發性攝影品牌虛擬社群為例〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6838/YZU.2008.00201
