  • 學位論文


The Factor Affect Suppliers Joining Buyer-based SCM Project-From Asset Specificity and Dependence Perspective

指導教授 : 劉士豪


台灣的企業以中小企業為主,因此對台灣而言,專業分工便成為台灣中小企業的特色。專業分工使得企業能發展企業本身的競爭優勢與發揮規模經濟,然而也因為專業分工的關係,台灣的中小企業更要緊密配合,使生產的效率最佳化。也因此,供應鏈管理成為一個不得不重視的課題。 Christopher在1992年提到,未來企業的競爭已不再是企業對企業的競爭,而是供應鏈對供應鏈的競爭,可見客戶端為取得更佳的競爭優勢,應爭取更多的優良供應商加入其供應鏈體系。然而供應鏈管理專案的導入並非如同ERP專案導入般的單純,最主要的原因是供應鏈管理系統專案的導入牽涉到組織與組織間權力與政治的問題。 本研究以B計劃為例,從資產特用性及依賴程度兩方面探討其影響供應商加入客戶端供應鏈管理系統專案的程度,並且再深入研究加入客戶端供應鏈管理系統專案後,是否會增加供應商對客戶的依賴程度及資產特用性程度。 經訪談發現,資產特用性與依賴程度會影響供應商是否加入客戶端供應鏈管理系統專案的意願與承諾度,再加入之後,也會對供應商的資產特用性及依賴程度有所影響。此外,在過去的研究認為,跨組織資訊系統的倒入有助於提升雙方的交易關係,但本研究發現,若原本客戶對供應商的依賴程度不高,即使在雙方導入供應鏈管理系統專案之後,對於原本雙方的交易關係並不會因為這樣而有明顯的改善。


Taiwan's Enterprise are mostly middle-sized company, therefore, enterprise in Taiwan more focuse on just one specific field and cooperate with other companies together. By that way, it can help enterprise develop competitive advantage and bring the economy of scale. However, to focuse on one specific field, enterprise must cooperate well to make manufacturing more efficiency.Since that, Supply Chain Management become a very important issue. Christopher(1992) noted that in future,it's not company to company competition anymore but Supply Chain to Supply Chain. To get the great competitive advantage, manufacturer should let the more good suppliers join the Supply Chain System. However, implemetating the SCM is not quite simple as ERP, the main reason is that it involved the power and political issue among the companies. This study take B-plan for example, from asset specificity and dependence perspective to study how extensive it can influence the suppliers joining the Buyer-based SCM project and after joining the SCM project, would it increase the suppliers' asset specificty and dependence toward buyer. After interviewing with companies,we found out that both asset specificity and dependence will influence the suppliers' willing to join the project and its promise degree,vise versa. Besides, the research in the past considered implementing IOS was good for improving trading relationship,however we found out if buyer's dependence toward supplier is not very close, even though they implement SCM together, it won't improve their relationship at all.


Asset Specificity SCM Dependence


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