  • 學位論文

TFT-LCD作業員搬運卡匣肌肉骨骼傷害研究 -以A公司為例-

A Study of Musculoskeletal Disorders for TFT-LCD Cassettes Operators Using Company A as an Example

指導教授 : 林久翔


TFT –LCD產業近年來在國內蓬勃發展,而在無塵室內從事搬運造成肌肉骨骼傷害研究非常少,本研究針對TFT-LCD無塵室作業人員肌肉骨骼傷害進行研究,藉由自主問卷調查及現場人因分析方法的使用,探討TFT-LCD無塵室作業人員肌肉骨骼傷害程度與發生原因。 本研究探討以國內某TFT-LCD公司為例,觀察對象為無塵室作業人員,主要為Cell Beol工作區域為主,根據自主問卷調查分析結果,肌肉骨骼主觀不適盛行率會受到年資、工作區域、班別、性別等因素影響,且在年資及性別上有較高的主觀不適盛行率。在現場人因分析方法結果,現場作業危害因子包括過高或過低的作業面、不正確的姿勢、過重的負荷、局限的作業空間,以及重覆性的作業,針對這些問題,應重新設計作業環境、推車等輔助工具的使用,與教育訓練來改善。


The TFT-LCD industry has been developed rapidly and become one of the mainstream industries in Taiwam. But studies about musculoskeletal disorders for TFT-LCD operators are few. This study focuses on the evaluation of musculoskeletal disorders for TFT-LCD operators. It is to identify the musculoskeletal disorders and risk factors by the results of subjective musculoskeletal discomfort rating and ergonomic checklists and analyses. The TFT-LCD manufacturer in company A was taken for case study. Clean room workers were chosen for observation. According to the results of subjective musculoskeletal discomfort rating, the prevalence of discomfort was affected by the seniority, work area, work shift, and gender. The result in female and seniority operators reveal higher prevalence of discomfort than male and local ones. By using ergonomic checklists and analyses, the risk factors were idemtified as high and low working level, restricted working area, overweighted loading, inadequate working posture, and high repetition. Therefore, countermeasures such as redesigning the workstation, using carts or other supplementary equipments, and training the operators were proposed.


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