  • 學位論文


The configuration of design and behavior in bookstore space:A case study of two Eslite bookstore

指導教授 : 黃慶輝 黃慶輝


過去人們在舊式的書店空間內,會在有限的停留時間內找尋自己需要的書籍。在這段時間發酵的過程中,誠品書店也不斷的從消費者的食、衣、住、行、育、樂等多面向的延伸去發展,並且默默的植入人們的心中。書店,是商業空間,亦是一個文化與知識的載體,現代的書店空間與過去有很大之差異;空間、展示與行為上均有極大的不同,而以往的誠品研究以氛圍、行銷、服務、文化為主要的方向,較少去探討書店空間的設計元素、設計邏輯與空間多向層面之分析。本研究利用空間型態構成理論(Space Syntax)分析兩個不同地域性的誠品書店空間之空間軸線之流動性質、空間人潮之聚集區域與空間中人與人之間的互視程度;藉由空間型態構成理論分析延伸與空間組織進行交互研析,提出四種空間組成之邏輯:書林聖地、公共核心交點、向心廣場與交錯的層次,將上述空間分析與此四個空間組織邏輯合併討論,藉由現場觀察進行書店空間之紀錄,包含空間分析的結果與實況使用是否符合;另外是延伸觀察消費者使用空間的模式,空間的設計影響消費者坐著閱讀與站著閱讀書籍之紀錄,最後利用深度訪談法,將消費者在空間內進行的「非書」行為一一表述整理。研究中指出書店空間組織分析對於消費者之影響:1. 流動軸線與互視程度是相對的,2.. 公共核心交點必須涵蓋收銀服務平台、出入口與新書區,3. 向心廣場為人潮聚集區,根據分析必須與出入口有所延續,4. 兩者誠品之建築構成不同,因此影響室內平面空間,空間的構成邏輯不同,台北敦南誠品倚靠軸線配置空間單位體;而台中綠園道誠品藉由空間的「回」字型而創造環繞的動線,串聯的是每個空間單位體,較無起點與終點之明顯說明。在後續研究中,可分為兩個部分進行研究,第一,為依照本研究的空間分析邏輯,將研究數量提高,並且重疊比較;第二可增加現場觀察的時段,記錄消費者與空間、消費者與消費者,兩者關係在空間內產生的多種層面之互動行為。


In addition to books, the Eslite Bookstore extends its services to food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, music and other aspects. The bookstore is not only a commercial space, but also a carrier of both culture and knowledge. The previous studies of the Eslite Bookstore usually focused on atmosphere, marketing, service and culture. The bookstore’s design elements, design methods and spatial analysis need more research attentions. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between spatial configuration and spatial behavior in two Eslite bookstores. This study observed standing and sitting reading patterns of the customer, and interviewed users to reveal the non-reading behavior. The data analysis methods of this thesis were analysis of spatial organization and Space Syntax. The former examined overall composition of the two cases. The latter analyzed the articulation of axial lines, aggregate areas of the customer and spatial visibility generated by the interior design elements. Consequently, this research established four spatial logics of configuration: Book forest shrine, common core nodes, central squares and levels of intersection. The findings of this research indicated that spatial configuration influenced user’s spatial behavior. Firstly the spatial units of Taipei one mainly connected by the important long axis. The Taichung one represented a loop circulation with relative short axis. Secondly, axial line and spatial visibility were strongly correlated. Thirdly, the intersections of the common core node included service desk, entrance and the new book area. Finally, the central squares where contain many customers must connect to the entrance. Future studies will investigate and compare more bookstore cases based on the analysis methods of this research. The observation period must be increased so that the interactions between spatial configuration and customers can be fully understood.


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陳映彤(2017)。以空間型構理論探討車站型購物商場空間之研 究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201700858
