  • 學位論文


Key Factors of Affecting High School Students' Choice of Universities -Case of a High School in Taoyuan City

指導教授 : 邱榆淨


受到人口、經濟與社會等層面的影響,社會結構環境變遷,高等教育的環境也一直在轉變。臺灣人口生育率逐年下降,社會人口結構的轉變造成少子化的現象,對於教育界影響甚大,影響層面從國家政策方向,到基層的教育環境改變,均受到少子化現象影響。高中學生升學就讀大學的方式,由早期的大學選擇學生,轉變成由學生選擇大學,也就是由過去的賣方巿場轉變為買方巿場。 本研究之主要目的是以個案學校高中部應屆畢業生為研究對象,分析在少子化的教育環境中學生升學如何選校?而國人一直以來也存在著傳統觀念,萬般皆下品唯有讀書高,在父母親友期待考上名校光宗耀祖的迷思下,以及學生自我興趣、生涯規劃等因素中,學生如何在複雜交錯的考量因素中,選擇自己理想的學校。而學校又如何在艱困的教育環境中吸引優質學生就讀。 本研究採用以決策實驗室分析法為基礎的網路程序分析法(Dematel-Based Analytic Network Process, DANP),來釐清變數間相互影響的關係,找出影響學生選校的關鍵因素以及因果關係。研究結果得知影響應屆畢業生選擇大學的關鍵因素,依構面權重排序為學校環境與教學、個人因素及學校聲望,關鍵準則依權重排序前七項為師資及教學品質、環境設施設備、畢業出路與機會、社會聲望與風評、親師建議、學習興趣及校院憧憬,反之,大眾媒體傳播與就學獎助及補助二項準則學生較不關注。 由準則原因度屬性歸類中得知,師資及教學品質、環境設施設備、社會聲望與風評為原因,再由構面之重要度及原因度得知,學校環境與教學其原因度為正數且重要度排序為第一名,顯現由準則及構面均應由學校環境與教學面來改善。 因少子化而造成供過於求的現象,各校無不用盡心思來吸引學生。為免於在少子化的洪流中遭受湮沒,除了應從學校環境、教學品質及師資設備提升外,更應審察產業脈動及社會需求,確立學校定位、發展特色課程以區隔巿場。


Under the influence of population, economy, and society, social structure and environment of higher education have been changing. The declining fertility rate in Taiwan and the phenomena of fewer children resulting from the changing of population structure have huge impact on education in Taiwan, ranging from national policy to elementary education. The college admission program has transformed schools choosing students into students choosing schools, which is from the seller’s market to the buyer’s market. The primary purpose of this study is to analyze how students choose their ideal schools under complex influencing factors such as parents’ expectations, students’ interests, career planning and the environment of fewer children, and how schools can attract outstanding students by 12th grade senior high school students in case school. This research uses DEMATEL-Based Analytic Network Process (DANP) to clarify the relationship between variables, to find out the key factors that affect the students' desire to choose school, and the causal relationship. The results of the study show that the key factors influencing the graduates' choice of university are from most to less the school environment and teaching, personal factors and school prestige. The key criterions are from high to low the teachers and teaching quality; environmental facilities and equipment; opportunities in career; social prestige and comments, suggestions from teachers; study interests and longings for the university. On the contrary, the two criterion of mass media communication and the school scholarship and subsidy are less fancied and paid attention to by students. Using criteria attribution classification, it is found that teaching resources; education quality; environment and facilities; and social prestige are the main reasons. And using perspective importance analysis: school environment and education quality indicates positive in cause degree and ranks highest in significance degree. This shows that the school environment and teaching quality should be the first to improve under both criterion and perspective analysis. Under the difficult educational environment caused by low-birth rates, the oversupply of universities means schools have to exhaust their efforts to attract students. To avoid drowning in this wave of low-birth rate flood, in addition to enhancing and improving school environment, teaching quality and teaching equipment; schools should also examine the industry pulse and social needs, thus establish the school’s position, develop special courses to segment the market.


