  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study on Constructing the Museum Digital Pattern Language: Taking Museum of World Religions in Yungho, Taipei, as an Example

指導教授 : 倪晶瑋


摘 要 隨著全球資訊化與網際網路的發展,以數位科技輔助空間設計之跨領域發展趨勢,逐漸成為時代潮流。然而,國內整合數位科技與博物館展示規劃設計的跨領域研究與實務,卻仍然有限。今日,博物館展示規劃已由以博物館為主導的傳統方式,轉為以跨領域團隊的合作方式,希望藉跨領域團隊間的交流,提昇展示規劃與空間設計之整體成效。但這個遠景在實際的執行面上,卻產生溝通與觀念認知的落差。亞歷山大的模式語言為環境設計領域建構起一套系統化的溝通平台,適用於專業與專業者及專業與非專業者間之溝通互動,成效卓著。為了解決上述困境,本研究由亞氏的建築領域「模式語言」概念為出發,以世界宗教博物館為模式建構之初探,依序建立49 個博物館展示規劃及空間設計之「數位模式語言」,作為系統化「跨領域展示規劃與空間設計數位輔助平台」的前導。為了解所建立數位平台的成效,在研究後期曾委請展示研究、展示規劃與空間設計領域等相關人員,實際操作平台進行測試。研究過程所應用之研究方法如下:文獻回顧、分析與彙整、田野調查、訪談、數位模式語言實證、問卷調查等。主要研究成果計有: (1)數位模式語言平台是跨領域溝通合作的重要輔助工 具,可降低合作團隊成員間對文 字、觀念認知與想像的落差,提升團隊合作的具體成效。 (2)數位模式語言平台的具體圖文分析,可增進展示規劃與空間設計課程之教學成效。 (3)數位模式語言平台可在既定的架構下,進行模式內容的擴充。在資料庫建構完整後,可技術轉移與市場化,提升跨領域整合的合作成效。


Abstract As a result of global information flow and Internet advantages, interdisciplinary cooperation has become worldwide inevitable trend, especially among the fields of interior design, exhibition planning/design and digital technology. However, the research and practice in the above-mentioned fields are still incomplete in Taiwan. In order to improve the effect of exhibition, the strategy of display has shifted from sole-museum-directing to interdisciplinary teamwork. Although the shifting is weighted, there are communication deficits resulted during the cooperating process. Alexander’s Pattern Language built up a systematic communication platform in the field of environmental design, particularly successful for the interaction between professionals and amateurs. The same success found also between professionals and professionals. In order to smooth the above-mentioned deficits, this study attempts to create a Digital Pattern Language Platform, by applying Alexander’s conception into the exhibition planning and design. Museum of World Religions in Yungho, Taipei, refers to the preliminary prototype of the series databases of Digital Pattern Language. 49 Digital Pattern Language regarding spatial and exhibition planning/designs have been recently conducted. After that, a survey on the efficiency of the mentioned platform was fulfilled. Experts of Exhibition, spatial designers and educators all got evolved in this survey and the result is incredibly positive. Methods used in this study are as follow: review and analysis of literature, field investigation, user and expert interview, demonstration experiment of Digital Pattern Language and survey etc. Study results can be summed up as follow: (1)Digital Pattern Language Platform is an important supporting tool in interdisciplinary communication and cooperation. It reduces the deficits caused by the misunderstanding of written text, mind concept, individual cognition, and imagination. (2)The live and stimulating graphic-text presentation of the Digital Pattern Language has improved the teaching and learning interaction regarding exhibit ion planning/design and interior design. (3)The existing Digital Pattern Language Platform and database is easily extendable. Commercialization of the database will contribute to the interdisciplinary cooperation.


6.吳淑華(2001),〈博物館展示淺論〉,《科技博物》第3 卷第5 期,高雄。


