  • 學位論文

從環境永續發展探討文化景觀之保存 —以澎湖石滬群為例—

A study of the sustainable environment from the cultural landscape —With stone tidal weirs in the Penghu islands—

指導教授 : 黃承令


石滬是一種在潮間帶上用石塊堆砌的堤岸,在退潮時阻斷洄游魚群的退路,把魚群圍困在石堤內的陷阱,也是一種世界性的漁撈設施。澎湖的石滬群不但具有文化地景精神上與實質上的意義,按照文化地理學的釋義-「將地景視為文本,認為地景有互文性,著重於地景如何被建構、閱讀,並且如何成為中介,然後依照文本的意象來塑造人們的行為。」澎湖石滬群亦符合其中人類行為被環境塑造的結果。文化地景是為了讓人類與環境能永續共生以延續地球的多樣性,所以有些文化景觀與社區的宗教信仰和傳統習俗有關,有些則反映一種保證生物多樣性的永續土地使用模式。對於海洋資源永續利用而言,石滬則為此一類的文化景觀。 本研究以環境永續發展概念,使澎湖石滬群作為文化景觀,分析文化景觀如何為人與環境共生的地景,以整合澎湖石滬群文化地景背後所隱含的世界遺產潛力。更進一步以場所結構分析其空間組織,來形塑出澎湖地方特有的人文意涵,以及研析作為自然與人文共同演義之文化地景之場所精神所在。 在文化地景的保存過程中,低技術的、就地取材的環境共生觀念,某種程度就是在反應居民和土地關係的生活態度;若是從這個角度來審視「民眾參與」在地景保存過程中的角色,地方工匠系統正是生活智慧的具體呈現;透過工匠系統的動員,民眾和專業者的關係亦隨著融入地景保存的行動過程動態地調整彼此的相對位置。


Stone trap is kind of embankment which is built in the tidal flat. It is used to trap fishes on the ebb, and it is also a world popular fishing method. The essences of the stone traps of Penghu are not only from cultural landscape spirit but also practicality. According to the definition of Culture Geography, “Cultural landscapes can be seen as texts or paragraphs which are provided with intertextuality, and it means landscapes can be shaped, read and become the intermediary of human behaviors.” The stone traps of Penghu are just like the definition of the cultural landscapes, it represents how the human behaviors are molded by environment. The cultural landscapes are also with meaning of sustainable use of the nature resources. Thus, some cultural landscapes are related to the religion and tradition of community, and others are related to maintain the biodiversity via the sustainable use of nature resources just like the stone traps are provided with the sustainability of ocean. This study adopted the concept of sustainable development. The stone traps of Penghu are used to discuss how and why the cultural landscape is coexistence of human and environment, and the potential of Penghu stone traps becoming one of World Heritages is also discussed. Furthermore, the image of place is used to analyze the local space organizing; hence, the particular cultures of Penghu and how human being and nature interact to mold the cultural landscape are revealed. The concepts of sustainability such as obtaining material from local sources and using less high techniques to maintain the cultural landscapes are representing the daily life attitude or philosophy between civilians and the land. Thus, the local artificer system is a specific presentation of discussing the participation from civilians during the protection of landscape. The relationships between civilians and professional artificers can be adjusted dynamically during the protection actions of landscape via operation of local artificer system.


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* 國立台灣師範大學地理系 http://www.geo.ntnu.edu.tw/


