  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships between Off-Campus Internships and Professional Practice Education for Interior Design Students

指導教授 : 吳燦中




Interior design and decoration is a discipline with a considerable degree of practical threshold in theroetical knowledge and engineering technology. Students learning in an institute tend to have problems about lacking of depth and accumulated experiences. Most interior design personnel also reflect university graduates cannot get started immediately in practice. One of the strategies and methods to solve these problems is to require students complete off-campus internship program for professional practice before their graduation. In this study, the methd of semi-structured interview is adopted and respondents are selected by purposive sampling. To explore the problems encounted and the benefits received for students from the off-campus internships, the appropriateness of curriculum planning and teaching content, and the expectations of industry personnel to students, interns, faculty, and industry personnel are interviewed. Research findings include the practical skills and learning attitude of students improved after internships, students are benefited greatly if they touch extensive and diverse work projects and content during their internships. Students should join off-campus internships after they complete sophomore courses. It is appropriate for a student to be an intern in an interior design company for at least six months continuously and, therefore, one-semester internships should be promoted in the future. There are diversities between educational goals set by interior design departments and the needs required by industry personnel. The most importance course category is “communication skills” and “sustainable innovation” category is of little significance for students’ internships. The traditional way and content of graduation designs are not useful for students in their future works. The size of design works should be reduced and more practical content should be involved.


