  • 學位論文


A elementary study on Siraya "Konkai" in Tainan

指導教授 : 林會承


西拉雅公廨建築初探:以台南地區為主 私立中原大學建築研究所碩士學位論文 中華民國九十年六月 研 究 生:孫家昌 指導教授:林會承 論文摘要 本論文旨在對南部平埔族群西拉雅族的宗教建築「公廨」的相關部份進行研究,目的在探討西拉雅傳統宗教信仰與公廨建築之間的相互關係,公廨在建築類型、建造材料各方面的演變,並進一步探討公廨建築作為西拉雅宗教信仰實體的一部份,其中所隱含的社會文化、空間觀念與構成整個信仰的主體-「人」之間的相互關係。 第一章:說明研究動機與目的,並對相關文獻與研究進行回顧,以及界定研究的時間與空間範圍與工作流程。 第二章:敘述平埔名稱的由來及各族宗教信仰與居住分布地點。 第三章:討論並說明台南地區西拉雅族信仰體系中實體、行為與口碑的部份,藉此瞭解信仰的內涵與架構,以便之後建立信仰與公廨間的相互關係。 第四章:針對現今台南地區各西拉雅公廨的類型與空間尺度進行討論,並理出公廨建築的基本類型與空間尺度所可能傳達的特質。 第五章:將儀式行為的內容與進行的場所互相結合並分析兩者間的關係,以此建立在西拉雅信仰中屬於宗教人的空間觀念。 第六章:以儀典行為與公廨空間的關係為主,對公廨所傳達的空間觀念進行初步的分析。


公廨 西拉雅 平埔族


A elementary study on Siraya “Konkai”in Tainan By Jia-Chang Suen Thesis Adviser:Associate Professor Hui-cheng Lin Submitted to Graduate School of Architecture ,Chung-Yung Christain University ,Taiwan 2001 in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Architecture Abstract The main part of this thesis is to study the religious buildings of the Siraya People (named Konkai) in the South of Taiwan. The aim is to discuss the relationship between the traditional Siraya religion and the architecture of the Konkai , and the evolution of the Konkai in the respects of the architecture’s style and the building’s material. Then, we further discuss about the culture and the idea of space implied by the using of the Konkai as one part of the Siraya religion, and the relationship between these and people – the main part of the religion. Chapter 1 introduces the motive and the purpose of the study, then give an overview of the related study and the references. The time, region and the workflow of the study is defined. Chapter 2 describes what the name ‘Pingpu’ is coming from, the distributed areas the Pingpu People live and their religion. Chapter 3 discusses and explains the objects used in the ceremony and the associated religious legend in the religion of the Siraya People distributed in the region of Tainan, these will help us to understand the inside and the architecture of their religion and we can use these to establish relationship with the Konkai in the following chapters. Chapter 4 discusses the current styles and dimensions of the Konkai of the Siraya People distributed in the region of Tainan, then classifies the basic styles of the Konkai and the information that could be represented by the dimensions. Chapter 5 associates the content of the ceremony’s behavior with the occasion the ceremony proceeded , then analyzes the relationship between them and use it to establish the idea of the space in the followers of the Siraya’s religion . Chapter 6 is based on the relationship between the ceremony’s behavior and Konkai’s dimension to make an elementary analysis about the idea of the space implied by the Konkai .


Siraya Konkai Pinpu


﹙7﹚甘治士George Candidus
(48)Helen Hardacre


楊婷婷 (2010). 陳雷小說《鄉史補記》中ê Siraya文化 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315185796
