  • 學位論文


A Study of Perceptual Image and Preference for Mobile Phone Human / Machine Interface

指導教授 : 林品章


在全球電信自由化與通訊費用下降的帶動下,行動電話已成為全球經濟產業的主流。目前對於行動電話的製造技術與功能,各廠商都已達到一定的水準與品質,如何在競爭激烈的商場之中脫穎而出,使產品受到消費者青睞,除了產品品牌之外,製造出迎合消費者喜好的商品,已是必然的設計趨勢。目前行動電話的基本功能,彼此間的同質性較多,功能差異並不大,但是人機介面操作方法與操作圖像卻大不相同,因此如何掌握消費者對於人機介面操作方法與操作圖像的偏好,是產品受到青睞的重要關鍵。其次,行動電話的成長銷售正值顛峰期,在面對原料來源、生產技術、銷售成本趨向同質化的時代,唯有透過「個性化、差異化、多樣化」的設計需求,確實掌握消費者的各種偏好趨向,才能設計出受到消費者認同的產品。 本研究針對年輕族群,利用多次的問卷實驗,並運用集群分析以及因素分析、多次元尺度法、數量化一類分析等研究方法,探討消費者對行動電話圖像所產生的心理意象與造形設計手法的對應關係,並將綜合評估之分析結果與七個意象語彙進行探討。最後,建構行動電話圖像偏好意象與設計手法檢核表,提供業主與設計師在進行行動電話圖像設計時的參考依據。 本研究結果指出: 1.消費者對於行動電話圖像意象共有3大因素並包含7個語彙。其中「語意傳達」因素包含:「有意義的」、「直覺的」、「易懂的」、「易記憶的」等四個語彙;「象徵意義」因素包含:「科技的」、「豐富的」等兩個語彙;「設計品質」因素則包含:「獨特的」語彙。 2.「圖像主體」是圖像設計裡最重要的設計元素,尤其在「圖像風格」的類目中,以「寫實照片」所得到的正面評價為最多。 3.「圖像主體角度-三度空間」也得到較多的正面評價,因為「三度空間」是現今行動電話所流行的表現手法,容易營造出科技的意象,頗受使用者青睞。 4.「圖像線條-細的」也得到較多的正面評價,其主因是「寫實照片」的設計手法,通常會配合著較細的圖像邊緣線條。 5.本研究提出以量化統計的分析方式,探討消費者的心理意象與圖像造形分析,其實驗步驟可提供給設計師作為設計過程中的研究與評估方法。


偏好意像 圖像 行動電話


Mobile phones have become the modern means of communication due to its convenience of use and decreasing phone rates. The phone-making technology and function development of all companies have reached a certain standard and quality. It is thus very critical for all phone manufacturing companies to understand how to stand out from the competitive market and create a popular item in this competitive market. This research is directed to the youth group and experiments to the group with a number of questionnaires. Through the use of factor analysis, hierarchical methods, multi dimensional scaling, and quantitative theory type 1 to interpret survey results, we probe into the consumer’s thought process and understand what images consumers associate with certain icons and modeling design from mobile phones. Thereafter, we are able to build an inspection chart of consumer's favorable image icon and modeling design of mobile phones. We hope that this research will provide a valuable reference for icon designers in creating more popular and consumer friendly designs for mobile phones. The research points out the following facts: 1. Consumer's favorable image icon could be categorized into three main categories that including seven perceptual languages, which are: 1) Communications: Meaningful, intuitive, understandable and memorable. 2) Image Function: Sufficient and high-tech. 3) Design Quality: Unique. 2. "Icon object" is the most critical part in image design. Particularly in "icon style" genre, the "realistic graphics" receives the most positive response. 3. "The vision angle of icon object - three dimensional" also receives a lot of applause for its trendy approach, in terms of the icon design of mobile phones in today's market. Three dimensional objects usually provide high-tech impression and they are much welcomed by users. 4. As well as "contour lines of icon object - thin" obtains numerous positive returns, mainly because the "realistic graphics" are commonly drawn with thinner lines. 5. This research proposes to use quantitative statistics to analyze consumer's mental image and their reflection when perceiving icons. The experiment procedures of the research will favor designers as the inspection and inspiration source when modeling the products.


Mobile phone Favorable Image Icon


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