  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Internal-External Locus of Control, Sex Role Attitude and Quality of Work Life of the SOHO Interior Designers

指導教授 : 莊修田


本研究旨在探討室內設計居家工作者內外控人格特質、性別角色態度、工作生活品質關係之研究,以便提出室內設計個人居家工作者適業性之參考。 本研究針對北中台灣室內設計個人居家工作者為實證對象,分別以量化統計分析與質性訪談方式進行研究。本研究量化部分共得153份有效問卷,經由量化統計分析與質性訪談後,歸納出下列重要的研究發現:1.受試者傾向於內控型人格特質,此結果與本研究於研究動機中所提出(內控=男性;外控=女性)推論相似。在工作生活品質滿意度方面則發現:越傾向外控人格特質,對工作生活品質越不滿意,顯示內控型人格特質較能滿足於本研究對象的工作生活模式。2.本研究受試對象的「性別角色態度」3項構面皆具有現代化的傾向,其中以「家庭外角色態度」構面現代化傾向最高,「家庭內角色態度」構面現代化傾向最低,3.室內設計個人居家工作者工作生活品質可分為:工作特性、工作與休閒、工作尊嚴、工作內容、工作環境及生活保障共6個構面,滿意度最高為「工作內容」,最低為「工作與休閒」。4.男性相較女性對「家庭外角色態度」與「性別刻板印象」有顯著傳統觀念傾向,且在面對結婚生子與經濟不景氣時,男性會呈現更強的傳統觀念。5.量化研究發現男性趨向於內控型人格特質,女性則趨向於外控型人格特質,質性研究則發現人格特質的類型與性別角色態度有關,外控型的人格特質其性別角色態度趨於傳統,內控型趨於現代,量化研究也發現此種結論;而在質性研究與量化研究同時發現人格特質直接影響了工作生活品質的滿意度,但質性研究發現性別角色態度的傾向也與人格特質有密切的關係。


The purpose of this empirical study is to explore of the relationships between the Internal-external locus of control, Sex Role Attitude, Quality of Work Life of personal Home Office interior designers, to provide a proper reference to personal Home Office interior designers for their career-suitable personality. This study targets on personal home office interior designers living at north-Taiwan, and studied by measurable statistics and quality interview. There are 153 effective reports. After the statistic analysis, findings are concluded as: 1.Small- office interior designers are prone to be more internal controlled personality; this result is similar to the inference (internal control=male; external control =female) raised by the study motive. Toward the job life quality satisfaction we found: To be more external controlled personality, to be more dissatisfied by life quality. It shows internal- controlled person is more likely to satisfied by their job life quality. 2.The 3 factors of “sex role altitude” of the target for this study are all prone to be modernistic. Among those, “the altitude outside family role” side shows highest identification, and “the altitude inside family role” shows lowest identification. 3.The quality of work life style on small office interior designers can be divided into 6 factors; those are job character, job and recreation, job dignity, job content, job environment and job security. The highest satisfaction is the factor of job content, and the lowest is job recreation. 4.Male is more traditional than woman regarding to “the altitude outside family role” and “monotonous image on sex role attitude”. Also when face marriage, birth, and economic down turn, male shows stronger traditional idea. 5.The measurable study found male is prone to be more internal-controlled personality and female is more external-controlled. The quality study found the type of characteristics is related to sex role attitude. The sex-role attitude of External-controlled personality is tending to be more traditional, and internal-controlled is more modern. The measurable study found this conclusion as well. At the same time on quality and measurable study we both found that personality affect directly on the satisfaction toward job life, but quality study found sex role attitude is prone to be related deeply to personality.




