  • 學位論文


On the Use of Semantic Web Rules in Automated Negotiation for an e-Agreement

指導教授 : 戚玉樑


本研究目的是建構語意網規則導向的電子契約自動化協商機制,協助電子商務架構下的交易夥伴之間所建立的私有協商策略具備標準描述語意及表達複雜邏輯的能力,並透過協商策略進行電子商務的電子契約自動化協商流程。 電子商務組織利用標準化的電子契約文件,協助交易夥伴之間瞭解彼此所提供的電子商務服務能力,並經由電子契約的簽署過程,建立未來雙方所需遵從的電子商務執行規則,為縮減協議簽署電子契約的時程,採用自動化協商機制已成為新興發展趨勢之一。 自動化協商系統必須包含協商協定與協商策略兩大元件的設計,雖然電子商務標準組織已開始著手協商協定原則,但對於協商策略的實作方式甚少討論,如此將導致自動化協商系統缺乏評估議價效益與產生還價待議的能力。因此本研究針對協商策略提出兩項訴求:(1)標準語意設計,(2)描述複雜邏輯,並據此提出語意網規則導向之電子契約自動化協商機制,以建立協商議題本體論的方式標準化協商策略的描述,並透過語意網規則語言與本體論的高互通性,以及協商規則策略樣版的設計,協助協商人員編輯出彈性且複雜的私有協商策略,不僅使電子契約的協商過程以自動化方式進行,同時讓協商結果更符合交易夥伴所預期的目標。


This study proposes semantic technologies for automated negotiation to establish a Collaboration Protocol Agreement (CPA) in ebXML architecture. The ebXML is one of the most important frameworks in electronic commerce. Before trading, each business partner utilizes a Collaboration Protocol Profile (CPP) to describe its business capabilities, and then negotiates an agreed contract into a CPA for a stable and trusted business. According to historical researches, automated negotiation requires negotiation protocols and strategies to guide barging process and accelerate the process of making agreement under uncertainty circumstances. During bargain process, however, the challenges are how to make negotiation more flexible and intelligent. The Semantic Web is an emerging technology which is based on existing technologies, such as XML, RDF, and OWL. It provides category and relationship capabilities to enable inference mechanism in a specific business domain. Semantic Web rules have a lot of potential to enhance the standard specification of business-to-business process. This study establishes a rule-based agent to collect bargains as statements of declarative knowledge. User follows each item described in Negotiation Description Document (NDD) to put his preferences as rules. Due to CPA and NDD are XML-based document, we utilized the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) as data format to contain rules. The SWRL document will then be inputted into an inference agent as a trade-off engine. Consequently, the rule-based agent emphasizes the inference capability and fulfills an automatic component of the negotiation process. In this study, we describe the development of an innovative information system to automate electronic negotiation processes using Semantic Web rules. In particular, SWRL is used to encode and manage rules for negotiation strategies, rule inferring engines communicate with agents to deliver agreement, and a negotiation support mechanism is integrated to concord human decisions.


Ontology and e-contract Negotiation Semantic


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