  • 學位論文


A Study on Implementation of Business Intelligence Systems in Retail Industry

指導教授 : 皮世明


商業智慧系統在現今快速變遷的商業環境下,對各管理階層決策過程的支援,均有極大的助益。一個成功的商業智慧系統,除了提供高階主管決策參考之外,對各適切階層的管理人員,亦提供極重要的日常決策分析依據,因此,已有不少公司陸續開始實際或嘗試建置。 然目前許多已建置商業智慧系統的公司,在建置商業系統時,均以專案形式建置,由草稿(Scratch)開始,在看到成果之前,需先花費許多的時間與人力成本。本研究認為,對於特定產業,先行探討其領域知識(Domain Know-How)及通用之績效目標,建構該產業之關鍵績效指標,及合適的資料模型(Data Model),並藉由雛型系統的開發,推導其資料倉儲的格式,之後,在實際執行商業智慧系統專案時,配合特殊的關鍵績效指標做適當的修正,即可快速導入,此種模式當可有效降低建置的時間及成本。 本研究對導入商業智慧系統效益最顯著的產業之一─流通業,探索其產業相關的績效目標與關鍵績效指標(KPI),並依這些關鍵績效指標,建立合適的資料模型,再藉由雛型系統的開發,先行彙整實際建置流通業商業智慧系統時,所應遵循及改善的各項重點,以期改善導入商業智慧系統者,從頭開發所造成的時間及人力成本。 本研究藉由文獻探討及專家訪談,利用平衡計分卡的精神,分別在財務、銷售、內部績效、採購等四個構面,彙整了適用於流通業商業智慧系統所需之績效目標與關鍵績效指標,探討其對應之資料模型,並對實際建置程序加以探討,不僅對流通業商業智慧系統建置之成本節省與成功率提升有所助益,其他行業建置商業智慧系統時,本研究之建置程序與關鍵績效指標亦具參考價值。


Business intelligence plays a major role in today's rapidly evolving business environment. Many businesses have built, or have tried to build, their business intelligence systems allowing the highest management levels to make better decisions. However, a successful business intelligence system will also allow the right people at various levels of the business get the right information at the right time, which will enable the business to obtain maximum performance. We found that many businesses build their systems by starting their projects from scratch, which involves a lot of time and expense before they are satisfied with their business intelligence systems for decision support. We suggest probing into the domain knowledge and general performance objectives in advance on specific business domains. Next, build a prototype business intelligence system using the key performance indicators and data models inferred. Then incorporate revised key performance indicators to reduce the deployment time on building a successful business intelligence system. We would like to find some notable points by probing into the performance objectives and key performance indicators in one of the most remarkable industries: retail. Then infer suitable data models on it and build a prototype system. By means of literature review and expert interviews, we will infer some general key performance indicators and build the data models for the retail industry in four balanced scorecard perspectives: financial, sales, internal business processes, and purchasing. We will then probe into the business intelligence system building procedures. These general key performance indicators and data models will be helpful for building intelligence systems not only in the retail industry, but also in other industries as well.


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黃維娟(2005)。建置商業智慧系統關鍵成功因素之研究 -以汽車業為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200500544
