  • 學位論文


The Research on System of Conservation Treatment for Paintings on Traditional Buildings in Taiwan

指導教授 : 薛琴


臺灣傳統建築彩畫修護制度之研究 摘要 因為臺灣傳統建築彩畫大多都存在於開放的空間或室外,大自然環境致使彩畫損壞速度極快,再加上人為無心的破壞(如:廟宇中燒香、燃燭或過度熱心清潔……)與廟宇通常會在固定年限翻新的習俗等因素,致使早年的傳統建築彩畫逐漸稀少。從民國七十一年《文化資產保存法》公佈實施至今,古蹟修護工程多偏重建築結構的維護及空間再利用等方面,對於建築彩畫的修護手法大多被採取刮除重繪(新作)或保持原貌不動(原樣保存),不僅從中發現彩畫修護不被重視的程度,更看出對彩畫修護技術的不信任(部分擁有重要彩畫的古蹟修護工程,對彩畫決定採取保持原樣不動,多是因為不信任現今的修護技術或彩畫能力)與對彩畫修復知識的欠缺。 然而,在文化資產保存觀念漸為大眾所關心與接受下,彩畫修護逐漸為傳統建築修護工程所重視,但國內關於彩畫修護技術、方法的論述幾乎沒有,尤其是近年來在少數採行修復方法的彩畫修護案例中,對修復部分的相關紀錄與描述更是寥落晨星,以致許多參與修護工程的相關人員對彩畫修護方法有極大的誤解,誤以為不需經過特殊、嚴謹的「修復」訓練,即能以一般傳統建築彩畫的施作工法來從事「修復」工作,又或誤以為修復師可以替代彩畫匠師來進行傳統建築彩畫的施作……。 本研究認為傳統建築彩畫修護就是藉由人為的規劃與技術,留存中國傳統彩畫技藝與思想禮教制度的表現空間,讓建築構件的保存更為長久、創造美觀適意的生活環境。藉由蒐集整理目前臺灣傳統建築彩畫的修護現況與具有較成熟修復經驗的他國案例後,來相互比較出優缺異同,並配合臺灣的風俗民情及需求……以不違背原則與限制的前提下,首先釐清彩畫修護工程的修護手法可分為以下三種: 「新作」(Renovation)、「仿作」(Reconstruction)和「保存修復」(Restoration & Conservation: Remedial Conservation ,Preventive Conservation),並擬定出一套適用於現今臺灣傳統建築彩畫的完整修護制度,包括:定義、目的、原則、方法、限制、彩畫施作相關人員的審核機制、彩畫修護程序的建立,以及修護程序中所必需的多種表格與報告書:檢視登錄表、修護建議報告書、評估表、修護計畫書、施工記錄報告書、修護報告書、評鑑表,藉以提供臺灣傳統建築彩畫修護及保存制度建立時之參考。


The Research on System of Conservation Treatment for Paintings on Traditional Buildings in Taiwan Abstract Many Traditional Buildings in Taiwan expose to open air, and other artificial causes such as burning joss sticks, candles, and regular schedules to recondition or clean, all damage to paintings on these Buildings at a fast pace. As a result, original paintings on Traditional Buildings become rare. Though “Culture Assets Preservation” enforced in 1982, it mainly focuses on the conservation of the architectural structure and use of interior space. With regard to conversation treatment, there is little emphasis except renovation or “do nothing” to avoid destroying original appearances. Hence, we can see little discussion about conservation treatment for Paintings on Traditional Buildings either because of distrust with conservation techniques or lack of necessary knowledge. Recently, as preservation of cultural property is gaining more and more public attention, the important role of conservation treatment on Paintings of Traditional Buildings is accepted. But researches and studies on the related techniques and methods of conservation for Paintings on Traditional Buildings remain deficient in Taiwan. In addition, records and descriptions in projects adapting conservation treatment are poorly listed. Lacking both academic and empirical references, it often misleads staff in the projects to underestimate importance of conscientious and careful training to do conservation. One problem is the belief to easily replace conservators with painting craftsmen to work on conservation treatments. In this study, we consider conservation treatments for Painting on Traditional Buildings as a mean to reserve traditional Chinese painting skill and fairy stories to good manners in this atmosphere by well planning with necessary techniques. Further, conservation treatments will last life of architectural units and create a pleasing living environment for generations. By searching and collecting projects of conservation treatment for painting in Taiwan, in Europe and in America, we take the advantages that correspond to our customs and needs and suggest conservation treatments shall be distinguished into: Renovation, Reconstruction, Restoration, and Conservation. A complete system for conservation treatments is suggested, and it shall includes clear definitions, purposes, principles, methods, limitations, audit systems for related staff in the projects, procedures for conservation treatment, and forms and records to keep track of conservation treatments, which can serve as a reference model for conservation treatments for Paintings on Traditional Buildings in Taiwan. Keywords:Traditional Building, Painting, Conservation Treatment, Restoration & Conservation, System


12.陳淑華 蔡東祐,199105,《屏東縣境內潘麗水先生彩繪作品現況的調查研究--東港鎮金茄萣港嘉蓮宮三川門的門神彩繪》,屏東文獻,5,頁113-122。


