  • 學位論文

中小學學校空間中多元智慧的 情境學習空間規劃研究

A Study of Multiple Intelligences Learning Spaces in Primary and Junior High School

指導教授 : 張謙允


多元智慧教育的建立,係因應於社會的複雜性,多元智慧學習方式所呈現是多種認知,個人潛能智慧的結合,配合真實的情境空間加以學習,來開發學生的多元智慧。其目的包括: 一、 了解多元智慧理論在中小學學校之落實現況。 二、 分析多元智慧情境學習空間之模式內容。 三、 提出應用於國內中小學校之多元智慧情境學習空間模式。 本研究分成三個階段進行,第一階段:以多元智慧理論為基礎,文獻資料分析多元智慧理論應用於學校教育的重要性。第二階段:以訪談錄音、照片觀察、紀錄的方式,做為多元智慧情境學習場所的問題需求與空間展望。第三階段:綜合分析發現(一)多元智慧學校實施特色為:1.重視個別差異,啟發學生所有各項智慧;2.利用現代兒童博物館的概念來引導學生學習,強調以豐富多樣的實際操作學習;3.以主題為中心的教學方式,利用整體完整的概念加以組合學習;4.評量方式多元化。(二)規劃多元智慧情境學習空間:以教育性、開放性、多元性、創造性、全面性為原則,將情境學習空間以八項智慧學習特性差異及空間特徵不同,分23個學習案例,以模式語彙來說明多元智慧情境學習空間的規劃。(三)歸納7種可應用於國內中小學校之多元智慧情境學習空間模式:空間規劃宜以多功能使用為主,利用不同情境的組合,創造豐富變化的學習環境,找出適合學習的最佳模式。並提出後續研究建議,做為未來設計規劃者之參考。


Abstract The establishment of the multiple intelligences education is caused from the various complexities of the society. The multiple intelligences learning is illustrated as the combination of various understandings and individual potentials. By coordinating the learning with real situated environment, a student’s multiple intelligences will therefore be motivated. The purposes include: 1. Understand the current effects that the multiple intelligences theory carries out in elementary and junior high schools. 2. Analyze the pattern contents of the multiple intelligences and situated learning. 3. Apply the patterns of the multiple intelligences and situated learning to domestic elementary and junior high schools. This research is broken down into three stages. The first stage: on the basis of the multiple intelligences theory, reviewing the historical data and information to analyze the importance that how the multiple intelligences theory has applied to the school education. The second stage: investigating the alternatives for the problems of the multiple intelligences and learning context and the space by recording interviews, observing photos, and taking notes. The third stage: analyzing the comprehensive surveys of this research. The findings are:1.The characteristics of the schools which have applied multiple intelligences,(1)Concentrating individual differences and motivating students’ potentials.(2)Using the concepts of modern child museum to direct students’ learning and focusing on the learning of participation from various real demonstrations.(3)Keeping the whole relation of the knowledge and utilizing the concept of the combination learning as the teaching way of the subject.(4)Giving variety to criticize instead of traditional paper test and the form of the school report card. 2. The planning of multiple intelligences and learning context. Based on the features of educational, unlimited, multi-dimensional, innovated, and comprehensive, the planning of the multiple intelligences and learning context can be addressed by using the pattern language. The learning context will be differentiated as eight learning differences and characteristics and result in 23 case studies and using the pattern language to describe the planning of multiple intelligences and learning context. 3. Guina seven alternatives of the multiple intelligences and learning context which can be applied in the domestic elementary and junior high schools. Scenario planning should be multi-functional and along with different scenario combinations, the enchanting and fascinating learning environment can be thus created and resulted in the best learning sample. Besides, the follow-up research will be continuing studied. In the future, any relevant topic researchers can draw from the experience of this research. Keywords: Multiple Intelligences、Learning Context、Pattern Language




