  • 學位論文


The Research and Design of The Architecture as a represention of Branding

指導教授 : 曾光宗


論文摘要 有感於全球各大都會商業活動的熱絡導致商業空間的模式逐漸改變,在過去一座城市的地標往往由宗教建築扮演這樣重大的角色,如今我們對全球各大都會的印象則總是停留在各種類型的商業空間,許多的商業空間甚至是成為世界各大都市的頭號地標,商業品牌與建築空間的相互影響逐漸密不可分而發展成一種新的關係,過去商業建築是 "交易的容器" 而如今一波以建築空間作為品牌代言的經營策略正在全球各大城市發酵中。 全球環境隨著經濟逐漸成長導致消費者對於商品認同的價值逐漸改變,人們渴望將藝術成為生活的一部份導致藝術與商品逐漸結合,同時也促使消費型態的轉變及商業空間的藝術化,為了使消費者能與商品建立起情感的連結,商業空間開始以各種方式讓參訪者能瞭解商品以致於品牌本身的精神。商業空間發展至此,商業建築已從提供商業行為的原型之外還附加上了對外「行銷」的機能,於是這種複加上「行銷」機能的商業空間開始出現了新型態的名稱,「品牌概念店」。 「品牌概念店」的由來其實是一種商業空間「博物館化」的過程,商業空間揉合了博物館的最大特性「教育」來使得參訪者能與品牌建立起情感的連結,商業空間周邊甚至有各種能支應消費者停留的服務設施,消費空間同時也成為各種約會的場所。在此,商品不再是商品而是一種生活的願景。 任何商品只要加上了藝術與工藝或者是被放置在經過精心設計的商業空間,皆可被稱之為精品,這似乎也是一種向消費者解釋了其商品價值明顯高於其他品牌的理由。情緒消費時代的標準特徵關鍵在於商品是否能成為消費者生活型態(life style)的願景,精品普及化,各種高價品牌也不應再自訂門檻,拒人於千里之外,過去只有身份地位高或者是富人才能擁有的觀念將不復存。品牌的銷售對象不應再針對特定少數族群,高價商品普及化的觀念不斷的在現今社會中成形。 近來全球「品牌概念店」的形成與創立,比的不只是產品本身的獨創性,還包括了以空間設計強化品牌背後的隱含的符號意義。未來只要有消費行為的繼續存在,一場又一場由品牌爭戰引發建築界的空間競賽且將永無止境的延續下去。 本研究將試圖解析此種博物館化的「品牌概念店」如何使消費者與品牌建立情感的連結,並透過設計操作推導出空間設計與行銷手法結合的關鍵因素。


Abstract The model for business space orientation is changing at the business fairs all around the globe. In the past, the important landmarks for each city consist mostly of religious significance. Now, the notion of city names brings about an image of the kind of business space the city possesses, some of which have now become the key landmarks in various cities. The new relationship between business branding and architectural space is of mutual impact and growth. While buildings used to be a container for brand, they now represent a completely new business strategy, toward business space orientation, in the globe. Economy development and growth have changed the perception of trademarks in the eyes of the consumers. The desire to include art in lifestyle has combined art and commercial products in one package. At the same time, the patterns of consumption have changed while the business spaces slowly become forms of art. The designs on various business spaces are made to establish a connection between the consumer and the product by understanding the spirit behind the brand. With the development of business space orientation taking hold, various commercial buildings are treating it just like any other regular business, allowing the tbrading mechanism to take place. That is, this trade?has created a new business type called Branding Concept Store? The Branding Concept Store is really a trend toward a museum of business space designs, namely a combination of business and educational purposes of a museum to allow the visitors to establish a connection with the brand. Around such a space, there are various services to encourage consumers staying in the area, allowing the consumption space to become places of appointments and dates. As such, commercial products are no longer products, but part of life. Any product that has added artwork and craft, or a business space that has been professionally designed, can be considered as a high-quality product. This seems to be one explanation for the consumers to differentiate between product trademarks and other products. In a time when consumption is heavily emotion-based, the key to a successful product is whether they can become part of the lifestyle perception. That is, to make the branding commonplace, eliminating the association of expensive branding with the rich and the prestigious. The target market for t brand should no longer be the minority, and the concept of high-cost products for common people will slowly take form. The recent creation and establishment of Branding Concept Stores Brand around the globe have caused the consumers to compare no only the uniqueness of the product, but also the space design and meaning. In the future, as long as the consumption trend continues, brand wars will continue to stimulate competition in a never-ending cycle. This research paper attempts to analyze the Branding Concept Store Brand its method of establishing connections between the consumer and the trademark. Furthermore, through design operations, this research paper deduces the key elements to the integration of space design and trade method.


‧Roger D.Blackwell、Paul W.Miniard 、James F.Engel,CONSUMER BEHAVIOR,2000
‧Rem Koolhaas,Delirious New York---A Retroactive Manifesto for ‧‧Manhattan,New York: The Monacelli Press, Inc. 1994
‧OMA/REM KOOLHAAS 1987-1998 /Elcroquis


