  • 學位論文


A Study on Business Model of Virtual Community for Online Dating Sites

指導教授 : 皮世明


這幾年國內外的網路交友服務愈來愈熱絡,交友網站除了吸引網友前來瀏覽,更重要的是讓網友對服務感到興趣,進而成為社群成員並持續參與社群的活動,從過去虛擬社群相關的理論,我們可以從中發現交友網站經營社群的脈絡。本研究以交友社群網站為研究對象,透過人際關係理論來看交友社群網站的獨特性,探討文字型與聲音型的交友網站如何界定在交友市場中的定位?交友網站的交友服務、交友社群經營及獲利模式為何?交友網站在經營交友社群的異同為何?為何會造成這樣的差異?等等相關議題皆為本研究之範圍。 本研究透過人際關係理論與虛擬社群理論的探討,導出以交友服務模式、參與者模式、獲利模式所組成的研究架構,利用多重個案研究的方式來對個案作深度分析與發掘現象之間的關係,根據個案訪談的過程中,本研究歸納出研究發現與分析如下: 一、 交友網站與第三者合作來促進會員成長。 二、 交友社群必須具備有競爭力的核心價值。 三、 交友社群網站的主要溝通管道會影響獲利模式。 四、 交友社群網站的品牌形象會影響推出交友服務的成敗。 五、 交友社群站方制定行為規範,但不介入會員之間的紛爭。


In this several years, it is getting more and more in great demand of dating sites service both in domestic and foreign countries. The dating sites is in addition to attract people to surfing, more importantly, to allow people to be interested in service provided, and then to be become community members and to take part in community activities continuously. A thread of thought of dating sites community business has been found from related theory of virtual community in the past. With a research subject of dating community, as well as through interpersonal theory, this study peruses the peculiarity of dating community and confers how dating sites of characters and voice do define the position of dating marketing? How are models of dating service of dating sites, business of the dating community as well as revenues? What are difference and similarity of dating sites in business of dating community? And, why such variation will be caused? Being permeated through interpersonal theory and research of virtual community theory, a research framework combined by dating service model, actor model and revenue model have been conducted in this study, as well as by using multiple case study to in-depth analyze and excavate relationships between phenomena. In according to process of case interview, findings and analysis are summarized as below: 1. Cooperation of the dating sites and the third parties to promote growth of members. 2. The core value of competitiveness of the dating sites is required. 3. The main communication channels of the dating sites will influence revenue model. 4. The brand image of the dating sites will impact success and/or failure of the promotion of dating service. 5. The codes of conduct have to be defined by the management of dating sites, but, disputes between members are not intervened.


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劉柏修(2011)。事件行銷類型、資源投入程度對企業經營粉絲專頁行銷效果之影響 -以台灣Sony Ericsson Facebook粉絲專頁為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2011.01058
