  • 學位論文


The Visual Design and Innovation of Kaohsiung Liu Ho Tourist Night Market

指導教授 : 朱嘉樺


Abstract Since long ago, night market has been existed in various forms, and its presence is loved by general public. Nowadays, night market not only is the place for people to take care of their daily meal’s problem, but also it’s becoming more of a place where people can shop for less price and enjoy the entertainment. Even though facing all kinds of business challenge from formal and large co-operations, night market is still a very popular choice among many people because of its advantage such as cheapness and authenticity. The culture of night market has played a significant part of our history. I would like to make some improvement, so that it can be presented with much better visual design, and make each one of us so proud of this night market culture. During the process of preparing my thesis, first of all, I have collected all the related documents and journals with information regarding night market culture in China during all the different dynasties. In order to find out the origin of this culture, I specifically focus on those journals and articles which related to the development of street venders during the early years when Republic of China just formed and also during the period when Taiwan was colonized by Japanese. Secondly, I have been to all thirteen Tourist Night Markets which are approved and recommended by Department of Commerce at Ministry of Economic Affairs to observe how they were developed in terms of visual design. Thirdly, I went to two Japanese night markets: Nakamise in Asakusa, Tokoyo and Tanukikoji in Sapporo to see what they did and how they did it in order to make these two night markets so successful. We should learn not only their ways of planning in developing, but also the creative thinking even in the smallest part of the detail in terms of designing. I also have learned that the importance of working as a team would play a huge role in order to be so successful. I have chosen my hometown’s very own famous Kaohsiung Liu Ho Tourist Night Market as my blueprint to come up with a series of planning in visual design and trying to make it a much nicer night market place for all types of tourists to enjoy the food, the shopping, and the entertainment. Night market has been part of our culture and our history for more than one thousand year, such a place has played a very significant part of our lives. I hope that I can do my best to improve Kaohsiung Liu Ho Tourist Night Market to introduce this great place to everyone, and also promoting the tourism resource for Kaohsiung.


摘 要 自古,夜市總是以各種形式存在,並深受市井小民的喜愛。時序至今,夜市不僅只是解決民生問題的場所,它亦成為一處兼具廉價消費與娛樂的地方;縱然歷經無數商業條件的挑戰,但在這裡「撿便宜、吃道地」的優勢,仍使得遊客流連忘返、川流不息。「夜市文化」儼然已被視為歷史洪流中的一道璀璨細流,本人願能改善它的粗糙之處,使其以更精緻的視覺設計呈現之,讓國人也能以夜市這項市井文化為榮。 在整個論文創作過程中,本人蒐集中國歷代夜市之相關文獻、並針對民初和台灣日治時期以來傳統攤販與市招等進行文獻探討,窺探民間小吃和娛樂的緣起。其二,是走訪台灣十三座觀光夜市,實際了解經濟部商業司所頒佈之觀光夜市、在視覺設計規劃上的成效。其三,參訪了日本國東京都淺草區的「仲見世通( Nakamise)」與北海道札幌市「貍小路商店街( Tanukikoji Shopping Street)」,了解亞洲當前觀光市集之成功案例;無論是大刀闊斧的規劃手法、亦或細膩的設計巧思,均值得國人省思設計規劃與團隊共識的重要。本人以自己的故鄉–高雄市聞名遐邇之「六合觀光夜市」為場景,設計一套夜市視覺設計規範,並提供造訪六合夜市之遊客們更細膩、更友善的夜市飲食品質與消費場所。夜市已有一千多年的歷史與文化,這處涵蓋飲食與遊戲的場所,深深地融合於我們的日常生活中,希望藉由本人的棉薄之力,宣傳並發揚高雄具文化與資產的觀光資源。




