  • 學位論文


The Study of RFID Application in Military Ammunition Storage Management

指導教授 : 宮大川


近年來無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)技術應用日益廣泛,舉凡門禁安全管理、貨物追蹤管理及醫療管制等方面均有非常多的成功應用的案例,甚至在美伊戰爭中的後勤補給支援,都可以透過RFID技術的應用獲得良好的監控及追蹤。 由於日前發生多起國軍彈庫管理不當造成彈藥外流及庫房爆炸的意外事件,造成社會的震驚與恐慌,為了能有效管控與追蹤彈藥流向,將先進無線射頻識別系統導入國軍彈庫管理,期能藉由RFID系統「全時監控與追蹤」的優點,能有效提升國軍彈庫管理作業效能,防止類似案件再度發生。目前國內、外對RFID系統應用於軍事後勤所產生實質效益之文獻並不多,致使國軍在面臨導入RFID系統於軍事後勤管理時仍保留諸多疑慮,目前仍維持以往傳統人工憑單作業方式與後勤管理資訊系統相互搭配的情形。因此,本研究基於上述的理由,藉近兩年發生於聯勤南部地區彈藥庫及花東地區彈藥庫彈藥外流案及聯勤馬祖地區彈藥庫爆炸案等三起案例為起點,深入檢討缺失發生原因,並使用分析歸納的方法找出國軍目前在彈藥庫儲作業上的缺失,期能藉由導入RFID系統之後能降低類案再度發生的機率。同時藉由情境模擬方式探討RFID導入國軍彈藥庫儲管理前、後的作業模式,並研究RFID系統應用於國軍彈庫管理之後,所能發揮的預期效益。本研究之目的在於能夠提供國軍相關決策單位於日後建構RFID系統至國軍後勤管理作業時之參考依據與模式。 關鍵字:無線射頻識別系統、軍事後勤、國軍彈庫管理。


Recently, the applications of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) have been broadened day by day. There are several successful application cases such as the management of entrances and exits of buildings, goods tracing, and medical treatment. With the help of RFID technology in the Iraq War, the U.S. forces could manipulate, monitor and outline supplies accurately. Due to improper management of military ammunition few days ago, the public were shocked and terrified by R.O.C. forces’ accidents like ammunition outflows and magazine explosions. In order to control and trace ammunition operatively, the use of the RFID system in the management of military ammunition becomes necessary, hoping its advanced technology—“total control and detailed surveillance around the clock”—can effectively increase the efficiency of R.O.C. military forces in managing ammunition and prevent such incidents from happening again. So far, there are few discussing the benefits of RFID system when it is utilized in logistics of the military forces so that the R.O.C. armed forces are hesitant and skeptical about bringing the RFID system into the management of logistics. Thus, the current method is the combination of the traditional manpower invoice and their Logistic Management Information System. This thesis will begin with the three cases happened in the armed forces, revealing the causes of these accidents by using inductive analysis to find the drawbacks of military in the procedure of ammunition storage. In the meantime, this thesis will display the comparison and contrast of the procedure models of ammunition storage before and after the RFID system being brought in, and analyze the expected advantages after RFID system being applied in the management of military ammunition storage. In such a way, the purpose of this research is to provide a reference and a model for the armed forces in the decision-making process of constructing RFID system in the military logistics management. Key words:RFID, military logistic, military ammunition storage management.


[27]“EPC Network Architecture,” Verisign Inc, 2004.


