  • 學位論文


Taiwan’s Trade Import Relief Mechanism under the WTO’s Safeguard Regulations ― Taiwan v. China’s Towel Manufacture Industry Import Relief Case Study

指導教授 : 李禮仲


台灣成為WTO會員後,國內市場更加開放,中國大陸產品大量湧入,帶給台灣業者巨大衝擊,國內傳統產業如何面對此一趨勢,已成為重要的議題。換言之,兩岸貿易救濟的處理日益重要,如何在WTO架構下因應中國大陸之防衛措施爭端,以保護台灣業者,為目前當務之急。在法規層面上,我國「貨品進口救濟處理辦法」係參酌WTO防衛協定之規範、中國大陸入世議定書第十六條、以及中國大陸入世工作小組報告第241與第242段,所訂定之規範。 因此,本文擬從法學方法論述,循闡明、論述及評析與建議之步驟,依序探討WTO防衛協定、中國大陸入世議定書第十六條之特別防衛機制,以及我國「貨品進口救濟案件處理辦法」,使有關台灣進口救濟制度之相關規範,均能有秩序的呈現,除了瞭解國內現行制度之依據、起源及運用外,亦能明瞭防衛機制理論的發展及國際法規範之內容,此部分係本研究整體架構的理論基礎依據。次分析台灣「貨品進口救濟案件處理辦法」是否符合國際規範,並建議宜因應國際規範進行修改之方向。 除了研究法律規範本身,在實務層面,本研究將以個案分析法研析台灣雲林縣毛巾產業科技發展協會向經濟部申請對中國大陸實施進口救濟措施案件,俾從實務運作之方式,加強對於防衛機制之瞭解。換言之,以中國大陸毛巾進口救濟措施案作為實例研析,分析其調查程序及爭點,探討進口救濟制度實務施行的原則及可能發生的影響性。在分析該案件之過程中,除了以本文第二章至第四章的理論及法規範,作為法律基礎依據外,並輔以爭端解決小組及上訴機構對於防衛措施爭端案件之判決,俾藉由其判決理由及解釋防衛協定相關法規內容,試圖整理出相關爭點,以作為本文分析該案件之爭點時,判斷處理之參考。 此外,美國是世界上最早對中國大陸採行特別防衛措施立法,以及對中國大陸進口產品進行特別防衛措施調查的國家,到目前為止,美國對中國大陸進口產品共實施五起特別防衛措施之調查,並已全部結案,本研究擬對美國對中國大陸特別防衛機制之相關立法,並就這五起案件的調查審理及最終結果作論述及分析,亦以其作為本研究處裡毛巾案件判斷之參考。 最後,期能在目前台灣與中國大陸貿易往來時,提供相關制度及過去案件經驗之整理,並提出對業者、政府及法規方面建議,希冀對台灣業者及政府面臨貨品大量進口時,能有所助益,俾在貿易攻防戰中施展優勢策略,保護業者及政府之權益。


進口救濟 防衛措施


After Taiwan becomes WTO member, the domestic market is more open. The products of China pour in at a low price in a large amount. Chinese imports bring enormous impact on traditional industries of Taiwan. This article tries to tackle the booming imports form China to Taiwan. Safeguard Measures, which are provided in WTO legal system, are the trade remedy for fair trade. This article intends to examine Agreement on Safeguards, Transitional Product-Specific Safeguard Mechanism and Taiwan’s Import-Relief Mechanism in order to understand the development of the theory and the meaning of the law. Next, this article will analyze the difference between WTO rules and Taiwan’s Import-Relief Mechanism for offering some suggestions of revisions of the law. Besides, U.S. is the first country that adopted legislation special safeguard against China, and the first country that launched special safeguard measure investigations against Chinese as well. Up to today, U.S. has launched and completed five special safeguard measure investigations against Chinese imports. This article tries to make an analysis on the investigation, trial and final result of these five cases. Finally, this article will analyze Taiwan v. China’s Towel Manufacture Industry Import Relief Case because it is the first import relief case between Taiwan and China. While dissecting the case, this article not only apply the theory from chapter two to four of this text, but also consider the opinions and findings made by the Panel and Appellate Body in evaluating similar cases. Based on understanding the relevant safeguard mechanisms and analyzing the cases, this article provides some legal suggestions to deal with safeguards against products from China in the course of booming development of Chinese trade. Besides, this article also offers some methods to government and industries for preventing industries being hurt by imports and protecting the rights of government.


import relief safeguard


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