  • 學位論文


The Establishment and Analysis of Tools Usage and Performance Model during the Stages of New Product Development

指導教授 : 楊錦洲


邁入21世紀,企業面臨的是一個充滿變化與複雜的競爭環境,需要更多的產品創新、更短的產品生命週期、更高的品質要求,才能面對全球化競爭的市場挑戰。因此,企業必須縮短新產品開發週期時間,比競爭者更早研發出高品質、低成本的新產品或新服務。 在新產品開發流程中導入新的工具和技術,可以幫助企業在導入新產品時獲得更好的績效。過去數年,學術界及企業界導入許多品質改善工具,企圖改善新產品開發過程的績效。然而在實務界,許多有用的工具和技術並沒有有效率地被使用。本研究進行一項深入的實證研究,調查在新產品開發流程的各項階段中,適合使用的工具和技術,也分析各項工具和技術對整體新產品開發績效及各項績效指標的影響程度,並透過「效能分析模型」探討需改善或提升的工具和技術。 除了工具或技術的使用外,關鍵成功因素也會影響新產品開發績效。本研究也同時探討影響新產品開發關鍵因素的重要性與對績效指標的影響,討論企業實施程度不佳、需採取進一步改善的關鍵成功因素。 本研究並針對公司的績效與公司特性進行集群分析,探討不同集群對各項關鍵績效指標、關鍵成功因素與新產品開發工具的重視程度與使用情形是否存在差異,試著找出不同集群間績效差距的理由並提供管理建議。 研究結果提供了一項有價值的資訊,可以協助新產品開發管理者在不同的新產品開發階段選用合適的新產品開發工具與技術、關鍵績效指標、關鍵成功因素,並幫助企業界更適當、更有效率地使用這些新產品開發工具和技術,以提升新產品開發的整體績效。


In the contemporary age of rapid change, firms in many industries are operating in markets that demand more frequent innovation, shorter product lifecycles, and higher quality product. Practitioners and scholars alike have thus become increasingly interested in how to organize and manage the new product development (NPD) process effectively. Numerous tools and techniques have been developed over the years to make the NPD process more manageable and successful and improve the performance in NPD. However, in practice, many useful tools and techniques are not widely used by firms. The present study therefore makes use of expert interviews and an empirical survey to investigate the frequency of use and the extent of implementation of various tools and techniques at each stage of the NPD process. The study also sets out to evaluate the effect of individual tools or techniques on NPD effectiveness by developing a set of appropriate performance measures. The study therefore analyzes the impact of individual tools or techniques both on overall NPD performance and on individual performance indicators within the process. The results of the analysis are then used to identify which tools or techniques should be adopted and used at various stages of the NPD process. The study has also developed a useful model in the form of the ‘effectiveness analysis model’. Using this model, firms can identify the tools or techniques that should be utilized to a greater degree than is presently the case, and can take the effective action to raise the impact of these tools on the firm’s NPD performance. Except tools and techniques, the execution of related critical success factors influences firm’s performance in NPD. Thus, the impacts of critical success factors are also analyzed to identify the relationship between critical success factors and NPD performance. This study provides several useful suggestions on how firms could improve their general understanding and utilization of a number of powerful NPD tools and techniques. Also, it is also provided that how firms could emphasize their efforts on critical success factors to raise NPD performance. The practical contributions of this research have been neglected in previous studies.


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