  • 學位論文


A Study on Usage Behavior and Space of Retired Civil Servants Operating Pensions— Using Eastern Taiwan as Example

指導教授 : 陳政雄


鑒於台灣人口結構老化、退休者年輕化、生活型態休閒化等多重因素影響下,興起觀光休閒的民宿產業,不少公務人員選擇以經營民宿為退休後的生活型態與閒暇之餘的工作。 本研究的方法,以文獻分析法、問卷調查法及深入訪談法等,以東部地區政府登記合法民宿的空間與環境為主軸,以各縣政府所提供的經營者名單,並以電話訪談取得研究樣本數。 本研究的目的,在探討以經營民宿為退休工作之不同公務人員之民宿型態,在空間與環境塑造上是否具有顯著差異,以及了解退休者類型屬性、民宿空間型態與特性之關係。 研究發現:由於公營事業民營化而退休者,大多介於50~55歲的自願退休者;以經營民宿為退休後的專職工作生活者,較強調房間的舒適度。以經營民宿為退休後的消遣工作生活者,則強調“家”的溫馨感。 本研究的結論依地理特點之民宿類型分類,提出各類型的規劃設計與經營建議,爾後可作公務人員退休後經營民宿之參考。經由本研究所提出之目的,經調查後得出以下結論: 一、民宿的經營有利於退休生活的調適。 二、退休後經營民宿之公務人員,生活型態的轉變對生活滿意有明顯變化。 三、經營民宿後,有助於居家環境品質的提升。 四、不同型態的退休人員,經營後的適應程度有差異。 五、民宿空間類型,與事先規劃退休生活有關。


Under the influence of multiple factors such as Taiwan’s aging population structure, decrease in retirement age, and leisurely lifestyle trends, there has been a surge in the sightseeing and leisure pension industry. Many civil servants choose to run a pension after retirement as a means of sustenance or part-time work. This study utilizes analysis of previous papers, questionnaires, and in-depth interviews etc., while using as main theme the space and environment of legally registered pensions in the eastern areas. Using lists of pension proprietors provided by the various county governments, the research samples are obtained by means of telephone interview. The objective of this study is to investigate the different pension styles that retired civil servants operate, noting any differences between their spatial and environmental configurations, while documenting the relationship between proprietors’ attributes and the spatial configuration and unique characteristics of the pensions that they operate. The study reveals that the surge of voluntary retirees aged between 50-55 due to the privatization of public enterprises puts emphasis on the comfort of their rooms when operating pensions as their primary post-retirement occupation. Those that regard pension operation as a leisurely side-job, however, tend to stress the cozy, “homey” feeling of their establishments. The conclusion of this study categorizes pensions according to geographical feature, ultimately proposing planning, design, and operation recommendations for each category to serve as reference for future retiring civil servants aspiring to operate pensions. The results of the research and the conclusions deduced are summarized as follows: 1. The operation of pensions is beneficial towards adaptation to retired life. 2. Civil servants whom operate pensions after retirement are markedly more satisfied with their lifestyle. 3. The operation of pensions contributes to improved living environment quality. 4. Different types of retired personnel have varying degrees of success in adapting to the operation of pensions. 5. The spatial configuration of pensions is closely related to the proprietors’ previously formulated retirement plans.




