  • 學位論文


The Empirical Research of Dynamic Capability Lifecycle:A Case Study of AUO Corporation

指導教授 : 邱奕嘉


Teece et al.(1997)提出了動態能力一詞,認為組織必須建立動態能力,才能確保持續性的競爭優勢。動態能力意指可以即時反應、快速與彈性從事產品創新,並能有效協調、建立與配置內部及外部資源的能力。 Helfat (2003)更進一步提出組織在能力發展的過程中,每種能力會面臨到三個不同階段,剛形成時是屬於初始階段(founding stage),接著開始發展與建立此種能力,就是所謂的發展階段(development stage),最後能力建構發展便會終止,形成成熟階段(maturity stage)。 本研究以友達光電公司為主要研究個案,瞭解友達光電的成立背景、企業成長的過程,運用動態能力的三個構面,組織程序(Process)、定位(Position)、路徑(Path)來觀察個案公司在各個階段的資源佈局與能耐結構,並結合內外部環境之變化,以勾勒出友達光電公司之動態能力的演進過程。 研究發現,在程序構面而言在吸取他人經驗及組織內部協調整合的能力非常有效率;就定位構面而:熟悉環境變化與互補性資源的取得與運用;就路徑而言:在發展平面顯示器的策略下,進行合併、並取得資本上的優勢,投資於次世代技術,並藉由上游的垂直整合,將資源有效利用,以維特競爭優勢。


Teece et al.(1997) think organization must built dynamic capability, it can ensure sustaining competition advantage. The ‘dynamic capabilities’ emphasizes the key role of strategic management in appropriately adapting, integrating, and reconfiguring internal and external organizational skills, resources, and functional competences to match the requirements of a changing environment. Helfat (2003) define the capability lifecycle includes several stages. The lifecycle of a new capability in a new-to-the world organization begins with the founding stage, which lays the basis for subsequent development of the capability. A development stage follows this initial stage, marked by gradual building of the capability. Eventually, capability building ceases and the capability reaches the maturity stage. This thesis study AUO Corporation to understand the forming background, the process of growing, and how to apply the dynamic capabilities to build the competition advantage. Finally, the evolution of dynamic capabilities can be recognized. The finding of this thesis showed the AUO Corporation has efficient in the coordinating of the internal resource, and to know the change of environment to get complementary resource, to build the competition advantage


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