  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on Applying Service-Oriented Architecture on Supply Chain Management System of Mobile Phone Industry

指導教授 : 黃天佑 博士


目前企業普遍面臨使既有系統功能或環境已不敷現在大環境之需求,面臨汰舊換新的狀況,如何開發新系統架構及整合舊有系統呢? 為了解決此問題,近年來軟體業界推出服務導向架構(Service-Oriented Architecture, SOA)與企業應用整合(Enterprise Application Integration, EAI),SOA是一種應用程式架構的概念,將應用程式及資源以可重複使用的「服務」方式呈現,使用標準化的介面相互溝通,藉此提供更高彈性、更高效率、及資訊整合的IT環境;而EAI則是建立不同系統間可以交換資料的溝通介面,甚至將不同平台的資訊流整合在一起,成為ERP的延伸。 本研究探討手機業供應鍊管理(Supply Chain Management, SCM)系統現況在服務導向架構下之應用狀況可行性,透過雛型系統建置,來驗證SOA 在供應鍊管理應用的成效。在本文中將以兩案三地備料流程做為供應鍊雛型系統的需求來源,以統一塑模語言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)作為模型描述工具,並以J2EE作為本系統之實作SOA技術平台。在本文中UML文件是之系統分析文件設計的主要工具,運用其中使用案例圖(USE CASE)與活動圖(Activity Chart)主要描述需求模型的系統範圍與系統角色間的活動流程,而使用者介面(User Interface)與循序圖(Sequencial Chart)作為與使用者溝通作業畫面需求的工具。為快速實作物件模型,本文將使用一個模型驅動架構(Model Driven Architecture, MDA)軟體作為物件定義的工具,系統模型所需之各類物件定義為個別XML格式物件定義檔,透過MODEL COMPILER 的工具快速轉換為J2EE平台上的程式碼,並進行部署與測試。這樣的系統發展模式實踐了SOA的必要元素,快速、彈性地發展與整合企業內所需服務。


Most of enterprise’s legacy systems need to replace it or upgrade to provide new information technology. Could enterprises integrate legacy system and new technology with drop old systems? Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) are the new concepts for this question. SOA is an architectural style whose goal is to achieve loose coupling among interacting software agents. A service is a unit of work done by a service provider to achieve desired end results for a service consumer. Both provider and consumer are roles played by software agents on behalf of their owners. In SOA, the legacy system’s function could be wrapped to a service-oriented component. It could intergrate to new applications with standard interface. EAI is also an architecture which goal is to integrate information and even flow between different plateform systems. EAI extends the functionality and range of existing ERP system. This paper discusses the possibility of application SOA in supply chain management by developing a prototype system. The two coast-three shore is as the requirement of this system. It use UML as system analysis tools. The USE CASE is used for define the scope of the system. The activity diagram is used for describing activities in the training process. A model driven engineering tool is used in this study. It compiles the system model and objects into the real java code and deploy the system on J2EE platform. This study shows that SOA could easy and fastly integrate human resource management’s legacy system and new IT features.


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