  • 學位論文


How to Close a Case Effectively: Study on Software Development Projects

指導教授 : 劉士豪


國內資訊軟體公司多半是屬於中小型的企業,礙於成本或其他因素考量,並沒有嚴謹的工程方法,導致專案的延遲或中止,甚至有所謂的非技術結案的傳聞。 故在專案管理領域中,若能利用管理專案的經驗,做為面對不同專案的學習和參考依據,將能夠預防問題發生與降低無法結案的風險。 軟體專案的開發常因時程、預算及品質等相關的問題,導致專案被迫延遲或中止,且多數專案因無法瞭解原因或不能記取教訓,使類似錯誤重覆發生。 為了瞭解資訊軟體公司在進行資訊專案的開發時,過程中那些因素影響了整個資訊專案的開發進度,進而影響到最後的有效結案。 本研究擬透過多重個案的調查與分析,從實際的專案中邀請資訊軟體公司的專案經理進行深度訪談,透過專家訪談方式,利用專家的經驗分享,獲取影響專案成功或失敗的重要關鍵因素是什麼?或是在專案開發相關的作業過程中,那些因素影響了專案的有效結案,希望藉由多個個案分析來找出可能影響專案如期結束的關鍵因素,進而在預估新專案時,提供實用之建議,進而達到軟體專案在開發過程中都能順利完成並結束專案。 透過本研究可以為資訊軟體公司,找到一個如何有效的將專案給結案,提昇專案團隊的開發能力,不用花太多的成本,也不用走太多的冤枉路,可以為資訊軟體公司找到一個提昇軟體發展能力的捷徑,並提昇企業的競爭力。


In Taiwan, most of the software companies are rather small or middle. Because of the matter of the cost, they did not follow engineer process. Therefore, the ratio of projects’ completions is lower. Most of them did not completed. The software projects often failed because of the problem of the schedule or budget, and even quality problem. Most of the reasons of projects failure are not easy to be realized and not having chance to learn from the failure, and let the similar problem happen repeatedly. Penetrates the multiple document the investigation and the analysis,invites the information software company from the actual special case special case manager to enter in-depth interviews what expert this way gain influence special case to succeed or the defeatimportant key aspect is? Hoped the affiliation analyzes by many each one documents discovers possible to affect the key aspect. Through research can help software company find how to close a case effectively. and promote the group's ability and do not cost too much money and waste a lot of time in the wrong way ,either. It can find the shortcut for promotion the software ability and promote competitiveness of enterprises.


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13. 羅盛宏,「採用平衡計分卡觀點建構資訊部門績效評估準則—資訊系統自行開發與委外服務之比較研究—」,中原大學資訊管理學系碩士論文,民94年。
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17. 鄭秀華,「影響系統整合專案委外績效之因素-以知識管理與軟體能力成熟度整合模式之觀點」,中原大學資訊管理學系碩士論文,民92年。


