  • 學位論文


The Effects of Automation on Team Performance in the Main Control Room of the Advanced NPPs

指導教授 : 周永燦




Some automation allocation problems are carried by digitizing the human-system interface in main control room. Due to the change of personal work type, and the automation probably change a set of team member each other function of communication and cooperation, thereby influence the performance of teamwork. So the purpose of this paper is to measure the effects of automation on team situation awareness, workload, and performance in main control room of nuclear power plant. The simulated task combined reactor shutdown and alarm reset model. Ten teams of 2 individuals performed simulation trials involving: (1) automatic mode; (2) semi-automatic mode; (3) automatic mode but Feed-water Control System functioned abnormally; and (4) semi-automatic mode but Feed-water Control System functioned abnormally. The results indicated that teams had higher situation awareness in the semi-automatic mode than in the automatic mode. And teams had higher workload, response time and human error rate in the semi-automatic mode than in the automatic mode. On the other hand, the results revealed that teams had higher workload, reaction time and human error rates in the abnormal condition than in the normal condition. Teams also had higher situation awareness in the abnormal condition than in the normal condition, but there had no significant difference. By all accounts, a good human machine interface should be designed based on reduction workload and promotion situation awareness. And it could be achieved with a suitable degree of automation which makes the most positive interaction between people and system.


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