  • 學位論文

導入綠色製程對觸控面板產業的影響研究 -以X公司為例

The Influence of Implementing Green Manufacturing Process in Touch Panel Industry-A Case Example with X Company

指導教授 : 黃惠民


隨著全球化及科技迅速發展對於觸控面板產業現況來說,為了因應歐盟制定的RoHS等相關規範,導入綠色製程已是觸控面板產業所面臨最重要的課題。近年來電子產業蓬勃發展,在電子產品功能不斷創新下,國際大廠除了產品須符合RoHS 指令外,對於綠色製程與綠色採購的要求更為嚴格,相關製造廠商與材料供應商也必須著手對於材料與綠色製程做研發、變更與認證。觸控面板產業位處於電子產品供應鏈之中段,但對於綠色製程對觸控產業之影響的相關研究,卻相當稀少亦無深入探討。 本研究透過蒐集彙整有關歐盟RoHS 指令及綠色製程規範以及企業綠色規範等相關文獻,對環保條文之內容做基本之探討,針對國內觸控面板產業之導入綠色製程的程序與現況為例,進行綠色製程的研究與探討,經由個案公司訪談的結果,瞭解綠色製程導入的現況及對觸控面板產業之影響,經由訪談結果與研究報告作成綜合性評估,預測未來因應更新的綠色環保法規將會使得觸控面板產業受到更嚴格的挑戰,最後提出結論與建議,做為未來觸控面板產業因應之參考。


The present touch panel industry is facing globalization and rapid technological changes. Many international leading companies think it is critical to adopt the green production process to meet European Union (EU) RoHS standard. The green production process and green purchasing requirement are becoming stricter for suppliers as well as manufacturers. The electronic industry receives a dramatic growth recently, along with many innovating ideas .The relevant studies on the impact of this green production process on the touch panel industry are rare. This study investigates the RoHS standards, green production process, regulations and company green policies. Taking the case of Taiwan touch panel industry, we examine the implementation of green production process. From field interview, the current status of green production process implementation and its influence on touch panel industry is analyszed. Finally, we provide some insights and suggestions on the green production process implementation for touch panel industry.


5.林松茂(2007),綠色產品品質管理-RoHS 電子電機設備有害物質限用指令,
3.CECED(2005),“RoHS guide-frequently asked questions about
5.RoHS與 ISO 14000 環境管理系統的整合介紹(2008):
10.SGS 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司(2009):http://www.tw.sgs.com/zh_tw/
