  • 學位論文

教育訓練制度與實施成效之個案研究 -以L公司為例

The Content and Effectiveness of Training System: A Case Study on L Company.

指導教授 : 諸承明


本研究主要在探討L公司在教育訓練制度以及實施成效上的問題。以個案研究法的方式,針對個案公司進行訪談,並且蒐集教育訓練系統上的資料,針對目前的教育訓練規劃進行探討,並且以系統性的方式評估訓練需求、設計訓練內容、實施訓練成效評估等,最後再針對個案公司所發生的問題提出解決的方案。 結果顯示:在教育訓練需求評估方面,企業決策者對於教育訓練的認知有誤,將教育訓練視為成本而非投資,故在擬定年度教育訓練計劃的時候欠缺完整性與系統化,其課程規劃也無法符合員工真正需求,造成員工的出席率偏低參與的程度也不高等現象。在成效評估的階段,其問卷調查結果未能充分反映現實,受訪者會比較重視個人需求而非組織的需求,所以造成訓練成果無法提升組織績效,訓練成效評估方面也未完整的落實。 因此L公司必須要先提出一套完整的教育訓練計劃來說服決策者,並且定期的做企業的人力盤點以確切的掌握需求,有哪些同仁在學習職涯上,必須再接受哪些訓練?這些相關的數據最後績效考核成績結合。作為未來升遷的依據之一。也能夠提高員工參與教育訓練的動機,並能對組織的績效帶來正面的效果。 關鍵字:教育訓練、訓練制度、實施成效


In this thesis I am mainly concentrate on the training system and the implementation results of the chosen individual “L” company. I have personally interviewed with employees in the company and collect all sorts of data in the training system. However, I have proposed resolutions based on the current status. As a result, the enterpriser is lack of commitment and cognition of the training system. The enterpriser has taking the cost of training as a cost disbursement instead of investment, thus it leads the training system into incomplete and inefficiency ways, moreover, this caused the low attendant rate of employees. Therefore, I would suggest that “L” company should propose a well prepared and efficiency training system to persuade the enterprisers. Meanwhile, set up a systemized way to grade individual employees and decide who should be in the key cultivation scheme. The promotion schemes should be based on the relevant data have been collected which may also increase the attendant rate to the training courses. By doing so, it will help the enterprise to a better achievement and a win-win situation among employees and the enterpriser. Key words: Training system, Implementation result


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