  • 學位論文


Job insecurity and work behavior: The moderator of core self evaluation

指導教授 : 郭建志


由於全球經濟的不景氣,使企業紛紛採取各種組織精簡策略,比過去更加困難的處境,企業為了因應環境變動,採取各種組織精簡,使得整個工作環境大幅的改變。員工面臨與以往大不相同的工作環境與更加嚴苛的就業市場,造成員工工作不安全感的感受,本研究欲探討工作不安全感與員工的工作行為之關係,並且從個人的人格特質以及組織信任分別探討對其之調節效果。 本研究採用便利性取樣,並使用對偶方式收集資料,受試者為一般企業員工,總共回收212筆有效資料。研究結果發現:(1)當員工知覺工作不安全感時,其員工工作表現越不佳、越不會出現組織公民行為以及離職意圖越高。(2)組織信任可以調節工作不安全感和員工行為的關係,員工越信任組織,當知覺到高工作不安全感,其員工的組織公民行為會減少、工作表現越不佳。(3)內外控可以調節工作不安全感和員工行為的關係,內控的員工在面對工作不安全感時,其組織公民行為下降幅度較大。(4)自我效能可以調節工作不安全感和員工行為的關係,自我效能高的員工在面對工作不安全感時,其離職意圖會大幅上升。(5)自尊可以調節工作不安全感和員工行為的關係,自尊高的員工在面對工作不安全感時,其離職意圖會大幅上升。(6)核心自我評估可以調節工作不安全感和員工行為的關係,核心自我評估越正向的員工在面對工作不安全感時,其組織公民行為會減少以及離職意圖會大幅上升。


Due to the impact of severe economic downturn in the global world, many companies have adopted organizational downsizing in order to pass through the economic depression. employees in the organizations have to feel more job insecurity. the study try to research the relationships between job insecurity and work behavior, and the moderating effect of trust organization and personality characteristics was also tested on the relationship between job insecurity and work behavior. The study conducts a survey and collects usable data of 212 employees from ordinary companies. The result of study indicate that: (1) the more employees feel job insecurity, less work performance, organizational citizenship behavior and the higher intention to leave, and (2) trust organization moderate the relationship between job insecurity and work behavior, when employees more trust organization, the more employees feel job insecurity, less work performance, organizational citizenship behavior ,and (3) internal/ external locus of control moderate the relationship between job insecurity and work behavior, when employees with internal locus of control , the more employees feel job insecurity, the higher intention to leave, and (4) self efficacy moderate the relationship between job insecurity and work behavior, when employees with high self efficacy, the more employees feel job insecurity, the higher intention to leave, and (5) self-esteem moderate the relationship between job insecurity and work behavior, when employees with high self-esteem, the more employees feel job insecurity, the higher intention to leave, and (6) core self evaluation moderate the relationship between job insecurity and work behavior, when employees with positive core self evaluation, the more employees feel job insecurity, less organizational citizenship behavior and higher intention to leave. Key words: job insecurity , core self evaluation, trust organization


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