  • 學位論文


A research among Equality in Employment Act, Gender Equity Education Act, and Sexual Harassment Prevention Act— In the university campus

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


包括我國的許多國家在憲法當中,雖然都明文規定不分男女,其生存權、工作權與財產權,在法律上一律平等,不得給予不同待遇。但事實上,男女兩性不平等現象普遍存在世界各國,從經濟、政治、法律到社會層面是不爭的事實。尤其是,當婦女走出家庭投入勞動市場,性騷擾的問題便無可避免的浮在抬面上。 美國聯邦法律一九七二年教育修正案第九章禁止性別歧視,包含在教育計畫以及教育活動的性騷擾。所有接受聯邦補助款的公私立教育機構,都必須遵守不分區域保護學生免於任何學術的、教育的、課外的、體育的、以及學校的其他計畫,或發生在學校的設備、校車、課堂上、或由學校在另一個地點所贊助的訓練計畫或課程,男女學生都被保護免於被學校雇員、其他學生或第三人(例如訪客)性騷擾。 我國在2004年6月23日通過立法、公布施行的性別平等教育法就是專為處理校園性侵害或性騷擾事件而修訂。然而,在幾乎是開放空間的大學校園中,除了學生與行政職員外,來學校處理子女就學相關問題的家長,或為了業務上需要的廠商,甚至是利用校園空間從事運動的一般民眾,都有可能與學校的教職員工生發生性侵害或性騷擾事件。大學如何適用性別工作平等法、性別平等教育法及性騷擾防治法所規定之程序,作為處理發生於學校校園或學校教職員工生之性侵害或性騷擾事件。 本文將分六個章節,第一章緒論,說明本論文之研究動機、目的以及研究範圍與方法。第二章主要介紹我國性別工作平等法、性別平等教育法及性騷擾防治法之立法目的、沿革與規範的對象。第三章探討我國與美國兩國法律對「性騷擾」的定義與分類,我國性騷擾防治三法之關係與比較,以及說明發生於大學校園之性騷擾事件,同時或分別適用性別工作平等法、性別平等教育法及性騷擾防治法之辨識方法及處理程序。第四章分別就學生間之校園性侵害事件,老師在授課中對學生的性騷擾行為,研究生與指導教授之師生戀,及大學職員不服學校處理性騷擾事件之結果之行政訴訟判決評釋。第五章針對大學校園推動性別平等教育之現況、困境及如何借鏡美國經驗所提供之啟示,作為我國大學持續推動性別平等教育,與校園性侵害或性騷擾防治之參考。第六章為結論,結論本論文之發現及建議。


With the lines to the constitutions of many countries, including Republic of China, have clear and definite that men and women are equal in law and should not be treated unequally. Although women are still being treated unequally around the world, in economic, political matters, legislations, and social dimension. In particular, when a woman goes into an employment, the sexual harassment is the most inevitably problem that she must to face. According to the United States Federal Law, Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 has provided that: 1. No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. 2. Nothing contained in subsection (a) of this section shall be interpreted to require any educational institution to grant preferential or disparate treatment to the members of one sex on account of an imbalance which may exist with respect to the total number or percentage of persons of that sex participating in or receiving the benefits of any federally supported program or activity, in comparison with the total number or percentage of persons of that sex in any community, State, section, or other area: Provided, that this subsection shall not be construed to prevent the consideration in any hearing or proceeding under this chapter of statistical evidence tending to show that such an imbalance exists with respect to the participation in, or receipt of the benefits of, any such program or activity by the members of one sex. The government of the Republic of China (R.O.C) has promulgated Gender Equity Education Act on June 23rd, 2004, which has been designed to deal with the sexual assaults and sexual harassments on campus. However, on university campus, besides the students and the school staffs, the parents or legal guardians of the students, sales managers and people from outside, etc., could possibly occur sexual assaults and sexual harassments to students and the school staffs. The ways, on which the university es apply the law on Gender Equality in Employment Act, Gender Equity Education and Prevention of Sexual Harassment would be very important. The paper will be divided into six chapters. Chapter one includes the introduction of the motives and the goals basically on doing this research. Chapter two introduces the purposes of promulgating the Gender Equality in Employment Act, Gender Equity Education Act and Prevention of Sexual Harassment in R.O.C. Chapter three has a main discussion based on the comparison of the definition on “sexual harassment” and the differences in law of R.O.C and the United State. Chapter four is going to talk over the cases of sexual harassment on the university campuses. Chapter five is basically discussing the ways of learning the experiences and enlightenments from the US, in order to promote the gender equity education in R.O.C. The conclusion of the research will be given in chapter six.


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24 陳惠馨,認真對待性別平等教育法—性別平等教育法之立法與展望,國家政
28 焦興鎧,大專校園性騷擾所引起之法律爭議及其防治之道—美國經驗所提供
29 焦興鎧,我國防治性騷擾法制之建構,法令月刊,第57卷第5期,頁460-482,
30 焦興鎧,我國校園性騷擾防治機制之建構—性別平等教育法相關條文之剖
