  • 學位論文


Techno-Economic and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Biodiesel: A Case Study of Jatropha Biodiesel


摘要 近二十年來,種植能源作物來生產生質燃料已成為各國解決能源短缺及減少溫室氣體排放的一個重要選項。為瞭解台灣生質柴油的潛在產量及其成本,本研究利用技術經濟分析,評估台灣種植能源作物以用於生產生質柴油的經濟可行性。由於種植能源作物所需的面積廣大,如能在適當的地區種植,不但能改善失業問題、提高整體的社會福利,同時也可以提高自產能源比例,並兼顧環境及經濟效益。當然,有效利用現有的休耕地及原本不具經濟效益的貧瘠土地,更可以減少因我國參與自由貿易協定所導致對國內農產品的衝擊幅度。 本研究選擇以種植痲瘋樹產製生質柴油為研究重點,利用技術經濟分析方法,評估台灣利用雙期連休耕地、檳榔種植地、海埔新生地、地層下陷面積和沿海沙岸面積等五種用地,種植痳瘋樹並藉以提煉生質柴油時的相關成本及可能帶來的效益。本研究的分析結果發現,在政府對農民採取利用雙期連休地種植痲瘋樹,且不取消休耕地補貼的情況下,台灣自行生產生質柴油以達到B2~B10的政策目標,生質柴油的生產成本將介於10.784~11.4474元/公升,相對於現行的化石燃料價格,這樣的成本將具有一定的競爭力。然而,若政府取消其休耕補貼時,且海埔新生地、地層下陷地、沙岸種植面積僅40%可用於種植痲瘋樹時,其B2~B10推廣目標的生產成本將介於10.9922 ~28.9299元/公升,雖仍較目前市售柴油價格便宜,但已較不具誘因。惟若海埔新生地、地層下陷地、沙岸種植面積可提高至60%以上時,其B2~B10政策目標的生產成本會介於10.7804~12.8904元/公升,和有政府補助時差異不大。最後,若政府欲推廣至B15時,則需海埔新生地、地層下陷地、沙岸等地均可100% 投入種植痲瘋樹,其成本才具競爭力;而推廣至B20~B30時,若無政府之補助及獎勵措施,相對於目前柴油價格,生質柴油將不具誘因。


Over the past two decades, energy crops have become one of the most important policy choices in resolving energy shortage and greenhouse-gas emission problems in both the developed and developing world. This thesis aims at assessing the cost and benefit of developing bio-diesel in Taiwan. A comprehensive techno-economic analysis is performed to examine the economic feasibility of making use of barrens to cultivate energy crops and produce bio-diesel. It is believed that when planting in suitable lands and areas, energy crops and bio-diesel could improve the overall welfare of the economy and, at the same time, reduce its dependency on imported energy and improve the quality of its environment. We focus on Jatropha-based bio-diesel. Using techno-economic analysis, we assess the cost and benefit of planting Jatropha with two-stage link fallow land, betel nut plantation area, reclaimed land, and the area of subsidence and coastal sand bank for producing bio-diesel. Our results show that with the subsidy to fallow land intake, the cost for B2~B10 will be between $10.784~11.4474 per litter. However, if there is only 40% of the reclaimed land, subsidence areas, and sandy coast could be used to plant Jatropha, the cost for B2~B10 will become $10.9922~28.9299/litre, though still cheaper than fossil diesel. Our results also show that when the planted area at reclaimed land, subsidence areas, and sandy coast could be increased to 60% or higher, the cost will be significantly reduced to $10.7804~12.8904/litre, making it much more competitive in the fuel market.


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1.聿新生物科技股份有限公司, http://www.bioptik.com.tw/tw/business.php 。
吳澤松、周煥銘、張財源、馬宗延、郭志偉、陳中邦、林坤海、高水興、黃耀忠 (2003),「生質柴油特性分析」,九十二年度高雄市空氣污染防制成果發表及技術研討會論文集,高雄市。
