  • 學位論文


Exploring the Service Quality Performance for Non-life Insurance Business by Using a Hybrid MCDM Approach

指導教授 : 陳筱琪


摘要 產物保險業因低度成長的台灣經濟市場及產物保險費率自由化影響下,導致各家產物保險公司經營方向逐漸由價格競爭轉向商品設計差異化,以及提升服務內容與服務品質,期望能增加顧客的忠誠與再購買意願。因此,本研究方向針對產物保險業服務品質績效評估模型之建立,與服務品質績效改善策略。 本研究依據Parasuraman et al.服務品質衡量構面所發展出 SERVQUAL量表的評估內容,分為五大構面22項準則,針對產物保險公司及保險經紀人公司從業人員為專家搜集問卷。採用DEMATEL及DANP方法建立產物保險業服務品質評估模型,再運用折衷排序法(VIKOR)對市場排名前端之四家產物保險公司進行服務品質績效評估, 本研究結果發現,評估服務品質的五大構面中,以「有形性」構面對其他構面之影響度最大,其次為「情感性」構面,而「確實性」、「信賴性」及「反應性」三項構面則是被影響構面。在構面層級影響權重部份,以「反應性」構面影響權重最高,也就是指產物保險業在顧客提出保險服務需求時,是否能夠迅速回應顧客並熱忱的為顧客提供服務,將會直接影響到顧客對產物保險公司服務品質績效表現的評價;其中,服務品質評估準則影響權重最高的前六項為「回應顧客」、「專業能力」、「服務熱忱」、「快速服務」、「清楚說明」與「團隊服務」;此外,在受服務品質績效評估的四家產物保險公司,績效表現最佳的公司為F公司,主要是因其在服務品質重要性前六項評估準則中,有一致性的較佳表現。


Abstract Because of the slow growth of Taiwan’s economic market and the liberalization of Insurance premium, the Non-life Insurance industry has a great change. Many insurance companies change their management orientation from price competition to the design differences of the product and promote their service content and quality, in order to increase the loyalty and repurchase intention of customers. So this paper focuses on both the foundation of the performance evaluation model which based on the service quality of the Non-life Insurance and performance improving strategy of the service quality. This paper based on the assessment content of the SERVQUAL gauge which was founded by the measure dimensions of the service quality from Parasuraman et al. It included five aspects 22 rules and collected questionnaires from Non-life Insurance companies and workers of insurance broker companies, establishing the evaluation model for the service quality with DEMATEL and DANP, evaluating the service quality of the first four Non-life Insurance companies with VIKOR. As a conclusion, Tangible property is the most influential aspect in the service quality evaluation. The second one is the affective property. Certainty, Trust and Reactivity were affected by service quality. To the importance, Reactivity is the number one. It means that when the customer request insurance service, insurance company reacts quickly or not, providing service warmly or not will effect customer’s evaluation of service quality. In the service quality’s evaluation rules, the first six important rules are customer response, professional ability, service warmth, quick service, clearly state and team service. What’s more, among the four Non-life Insurance companies those which accepted the evaluation of its service quality, F Company is the best one. Just for its high service quality in the six important rules.


Non-life Insurance Service Quality MCDM PZB DEMATEL DANP VIKOR


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