  • 學位論文


The Application of Three-dimensional Constitution of Paper in Corporate Identity System : A Case Study of Flower Shop

指導教授 : 邱永中


摘要 花,是大自然賦予人類的珍寶,擁有優雅立體的形態。用純粹的植物性素材加上溫度性的造型,應用在視覺系統設計上。藉以加深消費者的印象,傳達產品的獨特性。 以往,企業識別系統大都為平面設計的方式、及應用要素多以單一種類方式呈現。例如提袋、名片、卡片等,企業僅以單一品項將識別平面印刷展示。在激烈的商業競爭下,有著強烈視覺衝擊力、層次分明、色彩與陰影等變化豐富且美感十足的立體設計已成為各行各業求新求變的最有力的工具之一。企業識別系統設計的立體化受到各界的認同及肯定,也逐漸運用在各種不同的產業上。 以花的立體造型為創作的靈感,藉由花的意象為立體構成的展現方式,結合植物性的紙做為設計媒材,連結在同樣販售植物的花店業。藉以運用立體化的企業識別設計做整體的脈絡相連,以形塑更具體的企業形象、強化商品定位與品牌的識別,達到整體的一貫性,使企業能夠獨樹一幟,更具競爭優勢以凸顯差異。 企業的形象在透過企業識別的整體設計後,產品到廣告的連結,脈絡相連,呈現的一致性,才能使企業識別視覺運用中的強化印象達到1+1>2的綜效。


Abstract Flowers, the treasure given from the nature to human being, possess the posture with elegance and three-dimensional form. It has been widely used in designing of visual system with its characteristics in pure plant materials and temperable modeling, for the purpose to enhance consumers’ impression and display the uniqueness of the commodity. In the past, the corporate identity system was in a form of graphic design and its applied elements were mainly expressed as a single type of commodity, such as bags, business cards and placards. The corporate merely demonstrated their single commercial item with the method of identity plane printing. Nowadays in facing keen business competition, the corporate are seeking the three-dimensional design technology to better refine and promote their products in light of utilizing strong visual impact, clear gradation, rich color and shadow processing. The three-dimensional design utilized in corporate identity system has received recognitions in business for its innovative idea and has been widely used in different areas of industries. This paper is to study the application of three-dimensional constitution of paper in corporate identity system in the example of flower shop. The case study of flower shop utilizes flower’s three-dimensional modeling as creative inspiration and combines with the unique design of plant-based paper as materials. The research found that the expression of flower image and the representation of plant-based are integrated in flower shop’s market characteristics same as the purpose of corporate identity design. It links to bolster corporate image and create competition advantage in terms of commodity goods, branding identity and marketing strategy. Through corporate identity integrated design, corporate mage consistently coordinates with commodity and advertisement process. It indicates that in through corporate visual identity can strengthen brand impression and successfully meet the goal of 1+1>2 synergy.


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