  • 學位論文


Exploring the Process and Effectiveness of a Graduate Internship Program at Chung-Yuan Christian University


產業界對人力的需求是不單具有學術知識也同時具備人際能力與實作能力的人才。因此,如何縮短實務與理論之間的差距是各商學院努力的方向。「企業實習」便是其中一種很常採行的訓練方式。直至今日,將企業實習課程納入大專院校的授課領域已是一大趨勢。但令人驚訝的是,很少有研究在這個議題上。而在企研所設立實習課的相關研究更是少之又少。因此,本研究有意針對此研究缺口做一深入探討。 在本研究中,我們將以中原企業實習課程為一個案研討並輔以質性研究方法來探索其歷程與效果。為求獲得此實習課程歷程的完整面貌,本研究會採用深入訪談法與三角校正法來訪談實習生、企業導師與學校老師三方。 從本研究中,我們發現實習課程中的三方對於企業實習的看法是不同的,而這些差異源自於三方對於企業實習的期待與定位並不相同。實習生對於企業實習的期待是希望自己能像公司的正職員工一般,參與組織裡的計畫與決策。換言之,實習生傾向將企業實習視為工作與進入職場、體驗職場氛圍的試金石。相較之下,企業導師與學校老師則是一致地將企業實習視為學習。也因為雙方在課程定位上的不同造成雙方在實習時間、實習地點、實習方式與是否要支付薪酬有很大的歧異。然而,實習生們雖期待自己能參與組織裡頭真正的工作,但對一個正職員工的真正工作量卻是認識不足的。實習生並不願面對在實務工作上經常可能出現的加班、責任制亦或是臨時性任務的情況,而這部分對公司的正職員工來說卻是非常正常。 除此之外,在本研究中也發現參與企業實習的三方關係人在溝通上也有一些問題。實習生們在實習上遇到困難時,卻因與企業導師不夠熟捻,而不敢與企業導師溝通。而在實習生與學校督導課程的教師在關係上也遇到同樣的情況,實習生自認與學校老師不夠親近,在遇到問題時不僅不敢與學校老師溝通討論,反而是消極被動地期待學校老師能夠在訪視時發現實習生們的學習狀況。而同時學校督導實習課程的老師也發現,他們若要要求與管控企業導師的教學方式是困難的,因為此課程是建構在校友的無償支持與校友關係上,學校老師並無實質的職權能夠管理企業導師。同時,實習課程運行上的種種困難,也因為實習生與學校老師都在期待對方先與企業導師溝通而讓問題更加無法解決。本研究結果也發現若要有效提升實習課程的效益在實習課程三方的溝通上絕對要有所提升。另外,在本研究中也再次證實過去的研究發現內容,在實習過程中表現較為積極與主動學習的實習生,會從實習課程中獲得較多也會有比較好的實習經驗;而好的學習態度則會讓企業導師對實習生的教導意願提高,對整體實習的效益提升是有幫助的。 透過本研究應該可以了解整個實習課程的全貌與可能會遞減掉實習課程效益的因素,其結論應可提供老師們或有意願籌設企業實習的商學院們在設計相關課程上做一參考。


In the industry, the human resources the company need are the people who not only have academic knowledge but also have good interpersonal and practical skill. However, most of the business education has focused on developing functional abilities of the students. And they are often scrutinized and criticized by its lack of relevance to the real world. Therefore, many business schools tried to adopt some teaching methods in order to narrow the gap between the theory and the practice. One of the ways is “internship”. What is internship? It is an on the job training program which integrate the theory and the real world. It seems that the inclusion of internships into the post-secondary curriculum is a trend. Surprisingly, there’s little research on this topic .Moreover, there’s fewer research about doing an internship program in the graduate school. Hence, this research has been started to fill this gap. In this research, an internship program of Chung-Yuan Christian University will be used as a case and its process and effectiveness which include difficulties and advantages will be explored. Consequently, in order to get a more complete picture about what actually happened in the process of the internship program, the important tripartite-the students, the supervisors and the mentors will be interviewed and triangulated. Through interviewing with three part stakeholders in this curriculum, it appears that interns, mentors, and supervisors have different views on the internship. And these differences seem to come from different expectation and orientation of the internship. Interns are inclined to see the internship as work in order to feel the atmosphere of workplace. However, the mentors and supervisors regard internship as education. Therefore, it results in discrepancy on internship time, internship location, compensation, and the ways of internship. Yet, it is worth mentioning that when the interns expect to participate in real jobs, they didn’t willing to face. Besides, there seems to be serious communication problems between the people involved in this research. The interns were afraid to explain their problem to the mentors when facing problem at work. The supervisors also found it difficult to communicate with the mentors about the requirement of the program and the problems the students had, because they are afraid that the relationship will be violated. It is suggested that if the effectiveness of the program is to be increased, there is a need for a better communication. Also, it appears that the interns who have positive attitude and self-initiative might learn more from the internship and have better internship experience. It is hoped that the findings of this research can contribute to the business schools, the governor of schools and professors who want to set up internship course in order to increase the effectiveness of internship program in the future.


internship MBA


References and Resources
1. English References
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