  • 學位論文


The Study on the Development of Between Taiwan Strait Industrial after ECFA

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


中國大陸為台灣最重要的貿易國家,且有百萬台商在中國大陸,三十餘萬陸配在台灣,為同文同種的民族,因政治因素使兩岸經貿分離,但隨著兩岸先後在2001年加入WTO後,交流更加頻繁,又在2010年簽訂兩岸經濟合作架構協議促使兩關係更加密切。 本文研究以內容以ECFA的早收清單中茶葉,汽車零件業和服務貿易協定將開放的批發業,為研究對象。 運用商學背景的專長,將商學研究文獻結果納入說明,再將問題加以整理,並配合相關法律及法規命令,蒐集國內外相關文獻,包括國內外相關學者的著作、期刊、博、碩士論文,加上新聞媒體與政府法令最新進展,以便鑑往知來,了解隨著兩岸經濟的開放,財經政策如何追上社會變化的腳步以財經法與經濟市場、國家政策相配合的趨勢提出研究心得。 就本文研究發現ECFA目前簽署內容中早期收穫實施三年其成效有,不如政府當初的預期。加強推動台商回台投資方案,其重點是國際品牌、生產關鍵零組件,和回台投資一定規模高階產品等以過去出走的電子科技產業為主。然而傳統產業既沒有國際品牌,也沒有關鍵零組件,例如:紡織業者和玩具業者等,可能為了更高的品質製造和設計人才而欲返台投資,卻不得其門而入。國內就業人口最多的中小企業長期以來普遍面臨技術人才不足、技術扎根不夠深厚,被取代性高、專利布局不足,須支付高額權利金以及欠缺自有品牌等等挑戰,他們才最需要政府中長期的投入規劃與準備,亦可解決台灣嚴重的「三中問題」。


The Mainland China is the most important trading companion of Taiwan; furthermore, there are one million of Taiwanese traders in China, so with the mates are more than 300,000 in Taiwan, both are with the same language. however, political factors make the economic and trade separation of the cross-strait. In 2001, Mainland China and Taiwan have joined the World Trade Organization, after that, both sides interact more frequently. Later on, because the two sides signed Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA; consequently, the international trade of cross-straits is getting prosperity . This study take the consist of Taiwan tea, auto parts and service trade agreements of the ECFA early harvest list which will be opened in the wholesale industry, as the research object. Apply business expertise of background to include the results of the research literature description, then collect issues to match the relevant laws and regulations . Collect relevant literature of both domestic and foreign scholars, including books, journals, theses and dissertations, news media and the government decrees of latest developments for reflecting on the past . Understanding With the opening of cross-strait economic and financial policies on how to catch up with the pace of social change and economic markets to Finance Act, proposed national policy trends cooperating research experience. This study found that the content of ECFA early harvest is currently implementing its effectiveness after three years which is not as good as the government had expected with rather "Strengthen the promotion of Taiwanese investment program back to Taiwan” includes international brand,manufacture key components ,and electronic technology industries dominate reinvestment Taiwan. However, as if textiles and toys industries those who want to invest Taiwan by high-end products and designers. They do not approach the chance. The most in general employed population are small and medium enterprises which facing shortage of technical personnel ; besides , technical root is not deep enough and highly replaceable, so as lack of patent portfolio, they are the most needed of government investment in long-term planning and preparation . thus, three of Taiwan's serious problem, small and medium enterprises, south-central district and middle-income households can be solved also.


朱歆如,ECFA 對我國產業與尌業市場的變數,台灣經濟研究月刊,34卷1期,頁30-32(2011)。
李樑堅,兩岸經濟發展面對ECFA簽訂後之影響分析,華人經濟研究,第9卷第1 期,頁51-60(2011)。
行政院農委會委員會農糧署農情報告資源網站 http://agr.coa.mac.gov.tw /afa
