  • 學位論文


Using Patent Analysis to Discuss the Technology Strategy of Wireless Communication Antenna Industry

指導教授 : 邱榆淨


隨著高速網路世代的來臨,無線技術廣泛地被應用在各式各樣的產品中,通訊品質的穩定性、影音傳輸的效率及行動上網速度的要求也愈趨嚴格。相對地對無線傳輸系統所仰賴的天線元件,要如何能提升傳輸效率且讓訊號傳送及接收穩定性的要求就顯得格外重要。天線技術不斷地演進,由單支天線朝向多支天線的技術發展,其中又以智慧型天線系統中的(Multiple Input and Multiple Output, MIMO)技術,因其適應性調整能力備受矚目。而現今高科技產業以技術能力作為核心,並利用專利權保護企業的無形資產,進而用以牽制對手、甚至排除其他競爭者的優勢。因此專利對於企業競爭優勢的取得是非常重要的一環。因此,專利資訊作為競爭情報的潛在價值甚大,故如何藉由專利資訊的分析,了解技術現況與趨勢是技術策略佈局很關鍵的一環。而要如何讓進入無線通訊技術領域的業者,針對天線關鍵技術進行佈局及研擬研發策略進而搶得商機為本研究之主要動機。而本研究主要目的為透過專利分析瞭解智慧型天線技術中的MIMO技術,及其發展趨勢,同時藉由專利分析結果,協助企業做研發策略及發展方向之確立。 本研究透過專利分析瞭解,以智慧型天線技術中的MIMO技術為主,針對其發展趨勢探討,並同時藉由技術功效矩陣之分析,協助企業研擬技術佈局及研發策略。經實證分析結果顯示,MIMO技術目前發展階段為技術成長期,而相關的MIMO專利技術,多數集中在美國,故美國是MIMO技術的領導國家。若以單一公司的研發能力則為韓國Samsung公司為最強,突顯此兩國對MIMO技術的重視程度。相對地台灣比起其他國家雖然起步較早,但後續的專利申請數量就明顯不足。對於台灣的企業,本研究建議其可以透過授權或轉讓的方式與擁有專利技術的公司合作,來減低進入技術門檻的障礙。亦可透過產業界或學術界共同合作模式累積開發專利,並共享資源,才能讓台灣在MIMO技術領域佔有一席之地。


With the coming of the high-speed Internet era, wireless technology has been used in all kinds of products. The benchmark for quality and stability of network communication, efficiency of multi-media transfer and Internet speed got higher. And thus, the requirement for wireless transfer system which relies on antenna parts, as well as improving transfer efficiency and the stability in signal transmission have become even more important. The antenna technology has been constantly evolving; from single antenna to multiple antenna technology. And within the smart antenna system, there is one technology called the Multiple Input and Multiple Output, MIMO, which is particularly attractive for its adaptability and adjustability. Today, the high-tech industry players focus on their technologies, and use patents to protect the enterprise’s intangible assets, which deter their competitions, and take away other competitors’ competitive advantage. Thus, patent is very important in helping an enterprise to gain its competitive advantage. Getting an analysis of the patent information, and understanding the current situation and trend of technologies are very important elements in the strategic planning of technologies. This research looks at how we can get the wireless communication technology industry professionals to plan and develop strategies to get more business opportunities with a focus on key technologies in antenna parts. Through patent mapping, with a focus on the smart antenna Multiple input and Multiple Output (MIMO) technology, discussing its development trend; this research study aims to assist companies in strategizing and setting company development direction. Results show that the MIMO technology is in its technological growing phase. Those related to the MIMO patented technology are mostly situated in the United States, making the States a pioneer in the MIMO technology. In terms of single company’s research capability, the South Korean company, Samsung, is the strongest. This shows how both countries value the importance of the MIMO technology. In comparison, Taiwan was an early adopter, but fell short of patent applications afterwards. For Taiwanese enterprises, this research suggests cooperating with companies with patented technologies using means of authorization, or patent transfer, in order to reduce the difficulties involved in the technological aspect. Working on patented technology through a collaborative model with the industry players and the research community, and through sharing resources, will help Taiwan become a key player in the MIMO technology field.


Antenna Smart Antenna MIMO Patent Analysis


方瀚陞、林伯彥、孫卓勳、莊清松,2014,MIMO雙頻單極天線設計與探討,International Journal of Science and Engineering,第四卷,第一期,頁83-86。
