  • 學位論文


Risk Evaluation of Workers' Cumulatively Musculoskeletal Disorder - Chemicals Manufacturing Industry as an Example

指導教授 : 趙金榮


我國勞工因為工作引起的重複性肌肉骨骼職業傷害的問題相當嚴重,勞動部勞工保險局與勞工安全衛生研究所的統計資料皆顯示上肢肌肉骨骼疾病明顯較高,因此消除或降低這方面的傷害是很重要的課題。目前我國職業安全衛生法第二章第6條第二項規定,雇主需針對重複性作業做相關預防措施並留存執行紀錄。 本研究依據職安法建議的執行方法與人因工程技術,以國內某化學材製造廠為例來分析重複性作業上肢肌肉骨骼傷害成因,並提供工作場所設施與流程改善建議。利用實驗室模擬不同手持位置與搬運高度等9種物料搬運作業,收集15名男性受測者的主觀費力程度(Borg CR-10)、手腕與手肘角度變化(動態關節角度計),並使用OCRA Index、Strain Index、RULA、KIM-LHC、KIM-MHO等5種肌肉骨骼傷害風險評估工具進行討論。 主觀資料顯示手持位置長邊與90公分搬運高度的組合較不費力,但與手持位置短邊與90公分搬運高度的組合差距不大;5種評估工具顯示手持位置短邊與90公分搬運高度的組合肌肉骨骼傷害風險較低,而所有評估工具與主觀費力程度相關性佳;RULA與KIM-LHC皆適用於上肢或全身性姿勢的風險評估,使用難易度低適合初學者,但結果相對保守;在下肢姿勢差異不大的情況下,OCRA Index與Strain Index風險評估結果相對較佳,又以Strain Index能迅速且有效分析重複性作業上肢肌肉骨骼傷害風險,避免過多不必要的評估因子。 最後,本研究彙整主客觀資料,建議作業員將作業姿勢調整為手持位置短邊與90公分搬運高度並改善相關設備,達到降低重複性作業肌肉骨骼傷害風險。


Labor's cumulatively musculoskeletal disorders caused by repetitive work are a quite serious problem in Taiwan. Current statistics of related cases show that the injuries occurred very often in the upper limbs. Therefore, to eliminate or reduce the upper limbs injuries is a very important issue. According to code 6.2.1 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of Taiwan, employers are obligated to adopt preventive measures and have to keep these records to prevent cumulatively musculoskeletal disorders.   The purpose of this study is to analyze the whys and the wherefores of upper limbs' cumulatively musculoskeletal disorders in chemicals manufacturing industry and, furthermore to improve the facilities or process based on the results of this study as well as propositional methods of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and ergonomic technology. There were 9 combinations (3 carry positions x 3 transport heights) of manual material handle tasks provided in our experiment. 15 male students were recruited to participate in the experiment. The Borg CR-10 Scale was used as a subjective measurement to measure perceived exertion and effort in physical work. The angles change of wrist and elbow were measured by dynamic goniometer. Five ergonomics tools such as OCRA Index, Strain Index, RULA, KIM-LHC and KIM-MHO were used to assess the risk of upper limb musculoskeletal disorders separately.   The results of subjective workload assessment indicate that the subjects felt more comfortable and exerted less force with the combination of hands carrying on long-sides of a bag and 90cm height of carrying. This result was not significant difference with carrying on short-side of a bag with transport height of 90 cm. The assessment results of using 5 ergonomics tools shows that the carrying position of short-side with transport height of 90cm had the lowest risk of musculoskeletal disorders and had good correlation with Borg CR-10. RULA and KIM-LHC are easy to use for beginner and are suitable for risk evaluation of upper limb or systemic posture, but the shortcomings are too conservative. The risk evaluation of OCRA Index and Strain Index are better than others when the differences of lower limb posture are not big enough. Strain Index can avoid unnecessary evaluation factors and analyze the cumulatively musculoskeletal disorders in the upper limbs quickly and effectively.   At the end, this study summarizes participants’ subjective and objective analysis, and recommends the combination of hand carrying on short-side of a bag with transport height of 90cm as well as equipment improvement., to reduce the risk of the cumulatively musculoskeletal disorders.


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