  • 學位論文


Inspecting the Development of Interior Design Education Via Graduate Design Works

指導教授 : 劉時泳


本研究旨在藉由調查國內8所大學院校室內設計系之畢業設計作品,針對畢業設計作品之內容進行歸納與分析,探討大學院校室內設計專業教育,對於學生製作的畢業設計作品,所呈現出之不同差異有哪些面向?因此,本研究的目的:首先,調查應屆畢業生製作畢業設計作品之作品種類特色成果。其次,歸納室內設計系四年的教學課程中,課程內容是否因應社會需求。再者,探討室內設計系師資背景及其課程內容等導引牽制的關聯性。最後,透過本研究之彙整與歸納提出室內設計教育未來的發展方向。 本研究將畢業生製作畢業設計作品,利用操作型定義歸納與分類出建築設計、室內設計、景觀設計等三個面向,配合統計數值方式對於8所大學院校室內設計系應屆畢業生所製作畢業設計作品進行調查及研究。歸納與分類結果發現所得如下:(1)8所大學院校中畢業設計作品個案數量,合計共242件:建築設計有119件、室內設計有109件、景觀設計有12件,其中未編入者有2件。而室內設計作品共109件未過半。(2)目前室內設計教育課程上,大都以基礎課程與知識理論培育為教學方向,針對各領域具有延伸性知識和實務性導向,且值得深入探討的實際專業課程則較少。因為學校所教的知識,它比較陳舊已經不能轉化成大學生,他現在所需工作的實際能力。(3)從師資背景來進行分析後得知,建築系畢業與研究領域師資同樣佔大多數。兩相對照得知發現,其中關聯性在於師資早年學習歷程知識與經驗,教學時程中會將自己累積傳承給下一代,隨著時間導引致使學生在學習過程中,學習到老師的知識與經驗,促使學生在製作畢業設計作品時,會不由自主產生聯想性,最終導致學生設計出現偏向建築設計之作品。(4)本研究認為室內設計教育發展方向必須堅持培養學生,運用理論解決實際問題的能力、操作能力以及實際動手能力的養成為目標。所以諸如課程目標在實務界著重於設計創造、材質運用與工程管理等,學術界則加入哲學、邏輯、理論之運用等。


This paper aims to discuss different aspects presented by graduation work at college interior design education. Investigations are made from eight domestic interior design departments, along with categorization and analysis of these works. The major purposes of this paper are as followed. 1. Investigate outcomes and characteristics of graduation work. 2. Categorize the four-year curriculum to see if it fits the social needs. 3. Discuss connection between teacher’s background and course content and outline. 4. Summarize future development direction of interior design education. This paper categorizes these graduation works as architecture design, interior design, and landscape design based on operational definition. Later, it uses statistical data to conduct analysis of these works from eight interior design departments. Followings are findings from this paper. (1) 242 pieces of graduationwork from eight colleges in total. 119 pieces are architecture design, 109 pieces of interior design, while 12 are landscape design, and the rest 2 pieces uncategorized. Total numbers of the interior design work are less than 50%. (2) Current interior design course content mainly concentrates on fundamental knowledge and theory. Advanced practice-oriented courses with extensive professional knowledge are not commonly seen, due to the knowledge from school education tends to be outdated and cannot transform into work performance needed in the employment market.(3) The majorityof teacher’s specialtybelongs to architecture major and academic research. The connection between these two is that teachers tend to deliver what they had learned to their students in class. Learning from the teachers makes students create works that relate to architecture design which connects to what they are taught in school. (4) Direction of interior design education must insist on cultivating ability to solve problem theoretically and ability to operate manually. Therefore, course objects for employment should concentrate more on design creativity, material function, and construction management, as well as application of philosophy, logic, and theory for academic field.




