  • 學位論文

從衝突與能力觀點分析 兩岸 6-8 吋專業晶圓代工經營策略

An Analysis of the Cross-Strait 6-8 inchs Foundry Service Business Strategy

指導教授 : 陳筱琪 蔡文鈞


兩岸中小型專業晶圓代工業者以快速創新的策略躍進式邁進,具有高毛利與高附加 價值的競爭優勢,但面對全球化的競爭下,產品的生命週期縮短,研發費大幅 升之下, 尤其以創新、研發、技術為主要競爭力來源之晶圓代工產業,更是需要採取多元化的策 略聯盟及創新能力,以避免在動態的產業環境中被淘汰。本研究探討之重點,即是分析 晶圓代工廠商轉型過程中所面臨的衝突類型與企業能力並以各晶圓廠高階經理以上層 級為研究問卷對象。最後找出最適合的轉型模式以 升品牌升級,優化產品結構,策略 聯盟與併購的創新模式蔚為趨勢。 本研究透過文獻收集,輔以業界專家之問卷整理,研究對象為22家晶圓代工廠 商具有15年以上經理級相關人員進行問卷,共回收有效問卷10份,利用DEMATEL分析建 立準則關聯性,並藉由因果圖,建立結構模型,再運用修訂DANP,分析各準則之權重值, 以作為方案選擇之依據,再依據簡單加權平均法(SAW)評選適合晶圓代工廠的轉型模 式。同時再深入研究轉型過程中的各個企業能力構面,採用AHP加以分析其影響的權重, 以利企業經營者參考。 本研究顯示,專業晶圓代工廠商轉型過程中所面臨衝突類型與企業能力做整體 評估時,需要先提昇的先後順序為「目標衝突、動態能力、認知衝突、利益衝突」,且 最適合策略模式為「產品結構優化」 其次是「 品牌升級」。在企業能力構面中權重順 序為「重新整合能力、技術創新、獲取資源能力、分析消費者需求」。


Professional small-to-medium size wafer foundries on both sides of Taiwan Strait are moving leapfrog into high margin and high value-added competitive advantage with innovative strategy. In the global competition, due to shortening product life cycles, increasing research and development expenses, the wafer foundries who particularly rely on innovation, research and technologies as the main source of competitiveness need to take a wide range of strategic alliances and innovation in order to avoid being eliminated in a dynamic industry environment. The present study focuses and analyze on the conflict type and corporate capability of wafer foundries during business transformation process based on questionnaire from top fab management. Finally, this study identifies the most suitable transition model to enhance the brand upgrade and optimize the product structure, innovative model of strategic alliances, and mergers and acquisitions trend. This study was collected through literature, together with questionnaire from top industry experts. The study covered foundry managers each with at least 15-year professional working experiences from 22 wafer foundries. 10 valid questionnaires were collected using DEMATEL correlation analysis to establish criterion guidelines, and by cause and effect diagram, build the structural model, and then use the New DANP to analysis the weighting factor of each criterion to decide the basis for this program, then based on the SAW selection for foundries business strategy model. Finally further in-depth study of the transition process in all facets of corporate capabilities, using AHP to analyze the impact of weighting factors, will benefit top management in business operation. This study shows that professional wafer foundries during the transformation process, when facing the overall assessment of conflict types and corporate ability, the order to improve is “objective conflict”, followed by “dynamic ability”, “cognitive conflict”, and “interest conflict”. And the most appropriate strategy model is to "optimize the product structure", followed by "brand promotion". In the corporate capability factor category the order is "re-integration”, “technological innovation”, “resource capability”, and finally “analysis of consumer demand."




