  • 學位論文


Reconstruction of Control of Self-Dealing by Directors in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊竹生


於董事自我交易之管制上,台灣向來以公司法第223條為中心,由監察人代表公司與董事進行交易,惟不論係相關實務見解亦或係學術研究,對此規範方式皆有不同之解讀。而近年來,相關法規範修正頻繁,對於傳統上以監察人為中心之管制方式已產生結構性之變化。考究台灣相關法制之修正緣由,多係仿效美國法制而來,有鑑於此,本文透過分析美國法制上具有指標性之三部法規範—模範商業公司法(Model Business Corporation Act)、公司治理原則(Principles of Corporate Governance: Analysis and Recommendations)以及德拉瓦州公司法(Delaware General Corporation Law)—其相關部分,以呈現美國法制對於董事自我交易之規範方式,並回顧台灣現行法適用之爭議,藉此提出本文見解,認為傳統上以監察人行使代表權之模式與近年引進由審計委員會審查之模式,二者應明確區分運行,遂架構出台灣現行法制對於董事自我交易應有之兩種管制模式。


For the control on the self-dealing by directors, in Taiwan, the procedure has always been centered on Article 223 of the Company Act with the supervisor trading with the directors on behalf of the company. However, both the related practice insights and academic research have different interpretations on the regulatory method. In recent years, with frequent revision of related regulations, a structural change on the control method which has been centered on supervisors has occurred. The research on the revision of the related laws of Taiwan finds that it is mostly fashioned after the U.S. laws. Therefore, this article analyzes three indicative U.S. laws-Model Business Corporation Act, Principles of Corporate Governance: Analysis and Recommendations and Delaware General Corporation Law for presenting the U.S. law governing the self-dealing by directors and reviews the controversy of the applicability of the current law of Taiwan in order to provide the insights which hold that the traditional model of the supervisor acting on behalf of the company and the model of audit by the auditors, which has been introduced into Taiwan in recent years should be distinguished from each other for implementation as the two different control models for Taiwan’s law governing the self-dealing by directors.


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曾宛如,影子董事與關係企業-多數股東權行使界限之另一面向,政大法學評論,第一三二期,頁1-70 (2013)。


