  • 學位論文


Research of Mandarin Songs' Teaching Materials Compiling Principles for Beginning Level - The Case of Vietnam Hochiminh City Chinese Training Center SHZ’s Students

指導教授 : 彭妮絲


從越南歷史文獻探討中可以發現,由於越南與中國地理位置相鄰,以至於越南在語言上、思想上、傳統生活習慣上受中華文化的影響甚遠。由於近年來中國與世界各地的貿易往來頻繁,掀起了一股華語學習熱潮,也因此在越南學習華語的人數也日益增多。 在越南語的演變過程中,因深受中華文化影響而有漢越詞彙的產生,雖然這提供了越南人在華語學習上的優勢,但也因為母語使用的緣故造成學習上的困擾。根據研究顯示,每年在越南學習華語的人數逐年增加,但華語初學者的人數和進階者的人數差距甚大,研究者認為此現象主要與缺乏學習興趣有關。目前在越南以歌曲作為教學教材的例子較為少見,甚至沒有適合不同程度學習者的教材,因此此論文希望透過音樂的欣賞,將華語歌曲中寶貴的語言學習資源融入於課堂教學中,藉由音樂欣賞提供學習者反覆模仿的機會,以增加學習的興趣。 本研究對象為越南市商業華語培訓中心的華語初學者,與從事華語教學的教師。本研究的目標是為越南華語學習者發展出一套實用的中文歌曲輔助教材,提供教師在教學上作為參考。此教材針對歌曲外語學習文獻進行收集、分析教材主題,結合華語教材編寫原則與要點,並參考北京語言大學所編寫的《漢語教程》系列課本內容,從中擬出主題內容,選出合適的歌曲作為教材課文文本範例。最後,則針對問卷調查與訪談結果進行修改調整,並撰寫成教材以及提出研究結論與建議。 期望本論文研究成果能對未來越南華語教材設計、華語教學者以及學習者有所助益。


According to historical researches, Vietnamese language, culture, and living styles are influenced by China because of geographical location. During the decade, economy of China is growing dramatically. More and more companies and Vietnamese are doing business with China. Therefore, people are choosing Chinese as their second language in Vietnam. In Vietnamese language, it included a lot of words which were influenced by Chinese culture. It provides the advantage for Vietnamese on learning Chinese; however, mother tongue still causes some difficulty for learners. In Vietnam, the number of Chinese learners is increasing year by year. Nevertheless, the number between beginners and advancers still keep a big gap. The reason of this issue is because learners lack of interest in learning Chinese. In Vietnam, there are less teaching materials which were combined with lyrics in music and even no Chinese-music materials fit to students from different levels. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to increase the interest of learners through imitating music. This study used researches of foreign language-learning, concludes by ordering the principles of designing of Chinese language, and hanyu jiaocheng textbook from Beijing Language and culture university as references. And, it figured out main topics and contents from those references into the teaching martial. In the end, this study investigated beginning learners in SHZ (VietNam HoChiMinh’s chinese training center) and Chinese-teaching teachers. According to their suggestions during the interview, researcher adjusted some contents and provided the research conclusion in the last part of the study. Researcher hoped this study and teaching material could help for Chinese learners and teachers.


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