  • 學位論文


Exploring the Causes of Retention and Turnover-A Case study of Engineering Personnel of the Semiconductor Company in Taiwan

指導教授 : 丁姵元


台灣半導體產業在國內了創造2.3兆產值及22.6萬就業人口數,並額外帶動供應鏈及消費產值超過一倍以上,且創造供應鏈及消費人口數亦超出兩倍以上,因此,半導體產業對台灣經濟發展具有非常重要的地位。本研究之個案公司從事半導體後段製程封裝服務,近年來同時面對內外部的挑戰,對外需要面臨大陸紅色供應鏈的衝擊,對內要突破技術的瓶頸,更加需要仰賴專業的技術人才。然而個案公司工程師離職率卻不斷攀升,因此留任工程師的議題,在個案公司內更顯重要。本研究透過質化的研究方法,採取半結構式訪談的方式,深入了解個案公司獨有的工程師離職與留任原因。另外,也採用個案研究法,著重探討個案公司目前所面臨的現況,嘗試由工程師及用人單位主管兩方的觀點,透過了解雙方的工程師離職與留任原因立場及認知,以求在目前的挑戰下,試著運用有限的資源,達成人才留任的目標。 研究發現以工程師立場來看,離職的主要原因是因為工作負荷過重,而留任的主要原因是滿足工作成就感,不論是離職原因或是留任原因,皆與工作有關,可見得「成也工作,敗也工作」。就主管的立場來看,薪資是留任工程師最重要的議題,但是以工程師的立場來看,薪資卻不是最重要的原因。由此可知,主管與工程師對於離職與留任的原因,雙方的認知是有差距的。可見在不同的認知上,主管在不了解工程師工作不滿意的情況下,無法對症下藥,所提供的資源和協助也無法滿足工程師的需求。然而礙於現實財務資源有限的狀況下,主管想加薪卻無法做的無力感,但同時也可能會誤導管理當局,將公司有限的資源投入錯誤,也無法有效達到人才留任的目標。由本研究發現主管與工程師之間存在認知差距,必須加強彼此的溝通,才能對症下藥,達到工作滿意與人才留任的雙贏局面。


Taiwan Semiconductor industry has created 2.3 trillion output value and 22.6 million employment population. It has also driven the supply chain and consumer gross output more than doubled.The creation of supply chain and consuming population is more than twice the number. Therefore, the semiconductor industry has the extremely important status to the Taiwan economy development. In this case, the company engaged innovative packaging manufacture services. The company have confronted with the challenges of internal and external in recently years. They need more professional talent engineers, but the turnover rate grew up, so it is more important to retention of the engineers. The study used the qualitative research methods, semi-structured interviews, and the case study methods, and try to find out the unique causes of turnover and retention for the engineers in the company's. The study tried to understand the position and cognition of the two sides by the views of the engineers and the employers in order to use the limited Resources, to achieve the goal of talent retention. The study found that the opinions of engineer is related to the work, no matter what the causes of turnover or retention. In the opinions of supervisor, the compensation is the most important factor for retention the engineers, but the information shows the opinions of the engineer, Compensation is not the most important reason. It appears that there is a disagreement between the supervisor and the engineer on the causes of turnover and retention. The supervisor can’t meet the request of the engineer without being able to get the right method, the resources and assistance. However, due to the reality, we can feel the sense of powerlessness of the supervisor, and may also giving the wrong suggestion for the management. It is hoped that through constant communication and mutual understanding, the consensus can be achieved to have a win-win situation in the workplace.


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