  • 學位論文


Research on Motivation, Involvement and Leisure Benefit of Ultramarathon Runner

指導教授 : 曾世賢 賴正育




The purpose of this study is to explore the motivation, involvement and leisure benefits on ultra-marathon participants. Per research gather up all questionnaire starting off in Penghu with "Passionate Round in Penghu Marathon" on 26th of February, 2017 and "Jinnah Jogstar Marathon" on 25th of March, 2017 in Hualien. All marathon contestant was for my studies in this project, total number of one hundred formal questionnaires there were 64 effective and with the percentage of 64. For this research, it is entering with the programmed of (CFA) faceted scale to get the final figure and equation mode, verify its convergence validity and discriminant validity, the structural equation model (SEM) and path analysis differences in validity, offending estinmate, test of goodness-of-fit, and to verify the relations between the assumptions. The path analysis result is to analyzed and summarized important research conclusion. Test result: male contestant; in between age40-49; married; university/ college graduate with the average of TWD 50,001 incomers mainly. Next is the result for female contestant; in between age 40-49; married; university/ college graduate with the average income of TWD 50,001 incomers mainly. Research hypothesis one: marathon participant in motivations has significant impact at some stage of involvement. Two: marathon participant has a significant impact on leisure benefits. Three: exploring marathon participant motive has a significant impact on leisure benefits to reach the target. Advice: Ascension female contestant willingness, enhance self-achievement, enhance the degree of pleasure and combine to the local culture.


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