  • 學位論文

上帝的光: 台灣基督長老教會大稻埕教會的歷史與建築之研究

The Light of God: A Study on History and Architecture of Dadaocheng Presbyterian Church in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳昶興


台灣基督長老教會大稻埕教會歷時近150年,曾三遷堂址、三改名稱,且教會的發展歷經清末、日治,以及戰後臺灣三個不同時代,一路以來有著上帝滿滿的憐憫與恩典,值得細細品味及數算。 再者,大稻埕教會建築得以在每次的教堂變遷中,都呈現出當時北台灣最具代表性與前衛性之教堂建築形式與風格,除了從建築美學欣賞外,更要探究其中所代表的神學意涵。 2009年重建後的建築保留左右兩側牆面,立面以原磚原圖重新砌成及往前移動六公尺。前棟與義大利米蘭地區仿羅馬式建築更相近,後棟新大樓向上延伸之設計是屬現代哥德式,使大稻埕教會的建築更為特殊。是史無前例的古蹟教會,也是新舊共融之硬體,更是上帝賦予大稻埕教會全體會友復興教會和傳福音的重責大任。 古蹟教堂,建築煥然一新,大稻埕教會舉辦門徒訓練啟動了內在更新並開辦社區福音事工,持續歷史導覽之在地宣教,相信在上帝豐富的恩典、看顧與帶領之下,必在大稻埕地區發光,成為合一、成長、宣教、收割的教會,繼續在歷史的長河中見證上帝的榮光。


Since the establishment of Dadoucheng Presbyterian Church in 1875, she has been relocated and changed its name three times. The church witnessed three political periods, Qing dynasty, Japanese colonial period, and postwar periods. Along the way, God shows abundant mercy and rich blessings for His people to think of and count on. With the relocation and rebuilding of the church, the architectural designs and styles were representative and avant-garde at that time in Northern Taiwan. Besides appreciating architectural beauty, its theological meanings are worthy of discussion. The church, reconstructed in 2009, was a combination of old and new. Two side walls of the old chapel were preserved and its façade was shifted six meters forward. Its restoration was based on the original blueprint with its original bricks. Therefore, the front building belongs to Romanesque architecture, while the back upward building is modern gothic. The resulting exterior is one of a kind in historical churches. The renovated church means a bigger responsibility for all the congregations of Dadaocheng church to revive the church and proclaim the gospel. The church not only holds a series of discipleship training regularly to help the church members to experience spiritual renewal but reaches nonbelievers by offering community service in the neighborhood and doing church historic tours for the public. With God’s great mercy and provision, the church would definitely continue to thrive to become a church that possesses a unified vision to spread God’s words and that keeps sowing and reaping. With God’s grace, Dadaocheng Church would stand firm to experience God’s glory in history.


Marian Keith原著。《黑鬚番》(The Black-Bearded Barbarian)。蔡岱安譯著,陳俊宏編著。台北市:前衛出版社,2003。
R. Furneaux Jordan原著。《西洋建築史-一部概括的歷史》(Western Architecture-A Concise History)。蔡毓芬譯。台北市:地景公司,2000。
