  • 學位論文


An Application of the BMPTOOLBOX for Simulating the Effectiveness of BMPs

指導教授 : 林鎮洋


近年來國內有關非點源控制措施(Best Management Practices,BMPs)處理方法之應用越益廣泛,而人工溼地系統即屬於BMPs之一。,在現有各種類型的生態工程中,人工溼地處理技術具有低成本、低耗能源、無二次污染物之產生,並能提供溼地生態與景觀等優點。在模擬技術的應用上,國外所使用之BMPs評估模式相當多,一般均可模擬連續性降雨或單場暴雨事件,如AGNPS、HSPF、MUSIC、SWMM、VAST等。雖然目前國內亦開始採用上述模式於集水區管理上,但是該等模式無法針對結構性BMP分析處理效益。而本研究所採用的BMP模組(BMP Tool Box)則適用於集水區BMPs設施配置與位置方案選擇。然而BMP模組目前仍屬發展階段,許多技術仍未成熟,亟需以積極之研究建立本土化的參數、資訊與評估分析方法,以利於國內之應用。 BMP Tool Box在國內已推行數年,過去研究中尚未有完整的模式率定驗證及本土化參數。本研究以翡翠水庫管理局於2005年在北勢溪上游渡南橋旁所建置之自然淨化系統-人工溼地系統為例,應用BMP Tool Box模式,以現場採樣分析結果做為參數率定與驗證之依據,此外亦進行模式參數敏感度分析(sensitivity analysis),最後再利用交替區塊法(Alternating Block Method)所設計之雨型進行BMPs去除效率之模擬,其目的在暸解暴雨初期沖刷之非點源污染與對水質變化之影響。 實驗結果方面,經長期的現場採樣數據計算,本研究之人工溼地系統對於總磷之平均削減率達64.4%。而進一步模擬分析的結果,本研究係以2006年之5場總磷數據做為模式之率定;而以2007年之14場總磷資料來做驗證。結果顯示入流濃度之率定值(決定係數)為R2=0.84、驗證值R2=0.86;而出流濃度之率定值R2=0.87、驗證值R2=0.8,參數模擬之結果接近理想範圍。 依據坪林地區常見之雨型並採用交替區法(Alternating Block Method)設計出以1.1年、2年、5年、10年及25年等五種重現期距搭配2小時與4小時延時共計10場之暴雨,模擬結果顯示本場址於25年重現期及4小時延時的降雨條件下,總磷之去除效率可達76%。 本研究亦發現,施工及維護管理將影響本場址之去除效果,而連續時間採樣可使模式之模擬更精確。本研究已建立適合本土性之設計參數,有助於國內其他水庫水質管理技術之參考。


In recent years, the Best Management Practices (BMPs) for non-point source pollution control are gaining in popularity in Taiwan. The constructed wetland system, one of the BMPs, possesses several advantages in many aspects, such as low cost, low energy consumption and no secondary pollutants, as well as provides ecological and landscape benefits. There are a lot of BMPs simulation models such as AGNPS, HSPF, MUSIC, SWMM, and VAST which are capable of simulating continuous rainfalls or single storm event. The above models have been applied in domestic watershed management for years. However, the above models cannot evaluate the removal efficiency of the structured-BMPs. Instead, the BMP Tool Box, a BMP module, is suitable for evaluating the arrangement and locations of several BMPs. However, the BMP Tool Box is still in its development stage, and further research is needed to establish the domestic parameters and evaluation techniques which are better suited for domestic applications. There were some research using BMP Tool Box in the past, but few of them covered complete sets of model calibration and validation as well as domestic parameters. The present research is a case study of a combined constructed wetlands system, which was built near Donan Bridge and located on the bank of Peishih Creek by Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Administration in 2005. This research applies the BMP Tool Box to do model calibration and validation based on the long-term sampled data collected on site. The sensitivity analysis was also conducted and further evaluation of the BMPs removal efficiency with respect to different storm events developed by the so-called Alternating Block Method was also performed. Based on the long-term sampled data, the average removal efficiency for total phosphorus (TP) was calculated to be 64.4%. Then, five site data of the TPs in 2006 were used to calibrate the simulation model; meanwhile, fourteen site data of the TPs were used to validate the simulation model. The results showed that the coefficients of the determination (R2) for the model calibration and validation of the inflow concentration were found to be 0.84 and 0.86, respectively. Moreover, the R2’s for the model calibration and validation of the outflow concentration were found to be 0.87 and 0.8, respectively. The above figures close to the ideal cases as far as the model simulation are concerned. Furthermore, ten design storm events developed by the Alternating Block Method with recurrence interval 1.1 year, 2 year, 5 years, 10 years and 25 years combining with 2 and 4 hours of duration were used to simulate the removal efficiency of the TPs. The results showed that the best removal efficiency of TPs was found to be 76% with recurrence interval of 25 years and 4 hours of duration. This research also found that the removal efficiency will be tremendously affected by construction and maintenance activities. Besides, the accuracy of the simulation will be much improved by continuous sampling. This research also helps build up the domestic design parameters for the other reservoirs in Taiwan.


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